Attention are you ready to build a bridge from
where you are now to where you want to go?
where you are now to where you want to go?
“Discover How To Turn Your Passions Into Profit Without The Years of Trial
And Error Following The Wrong Path.
…The Amazing Thing Of Course Is the Speed at Which the Turn Your Passion into Profits
Success Blueprint works. It’s is Rather Remarkable That You Can start from scratch
and in 44 days Or Less potentially have more money in your bank account…
Success Blueprint works. It’s is Rather Remarkable That You Can start from scratch
and in 44 days Or Less potentially have more money in your bank account…

Dear Friend,
My name is Eric Anderson I’m the author of the top selling books The Magic of Attitude and The Ultimate Passionpreneur. Perhaps you have seen one of my television interviews on CNN, NBC, FOX or CBS.
If you are ready to turn your passion into profits and make money doing what you love, then reading this letter will be the most important thing you do towards reaching your goal.
Your about to discover a one, two, three step by step blueprint for being in total control of your life while making the amount of money you have always dreamed amount doing what you love and knowing your future is secure.
This is for you if you are frustrated because you have GREAT ideas but you’re not sure exactly how to bridge the gap from where you are now to where you want to go.
Imagine you could wave a magic wand and fire your boss (if you have one) and potentially make more than double your current income doing what you love while having more time to do what you want.
Think about that for a moment how would that make you feel?
I have just released a confidential how to turn your passion into profits success blueprint called “The Ultimate Passionpreneur”
Here is a taste of what you’ll discover in this astonishing system:
That’s just a small sample of what you discover when you take advantage of this onetime special offer I have for you today.
My name is Eric Anderson I’m the author of the top selling books The Magic of Attitude and The Ultimate Passionpreneur. Perhaps you have seen one of my television interviews on CNN, NBC, FOX or CBS.
If you are ready to turn your passion into profits and make money doing what you love, then reading this letter will be the most important thing you do towards reaching your goal.
Your about to discover a one, two, three step by step blueprint for being in total control of your life while making the amount of money you have always dreamed amount doing what you love and knowing your future is secure.
This is for you if you are frustrated because you have GREAT ideas but you’re not sure exactly how to bridge the gap from where you are now to where you want to go.
Imagine you could wave a magic wand and fire your boss (if you have one) and potentially make more than double your current income doing what you love while having more time to do what you want.
Think about that for a moment how would that make you feel?
I have just released a confidential how to turn your passion into profits success blueprint called “The Ultimate Passionpreneur”
Here is a taste of what you’ll discover in this astonishing system:
- How to Discover your true Passion… Outlining your goals for the course… Reconnect with your passion(s) and define exactly what you would love to do while making great money in the process.
- How to Turn your Passion into a product or service people will happily give you money for.
- How to properly name your Product or Service for TOP PROFITS!
- TIEING everything together to get people coming to you excited with what you have.
- Getting your First Customer or Client
- Passionpreneur Mindset – As you continue your journey as The Ultimate Passionpreneur you WILL run into naysayers and challenges, the one thing you must do and understand the mindset shifts you MUST make to succeed.
That’s just a small sample of what you discover when you take advantage of this onetime special offer I have for you today.
Three Powerful Reasons You
Should Believe What I Say
Reason One: I was my first client. I was beatdown foster child full of fear, doubt, and uncertainty. I know firsthand the pain and frustration of other people stepping on your dreams. And because of that I transformed my life in major ways. Since then, I have helped thousands of people from all walks of life take their game to the next level. This system has worked time-and-time again and it never misses.
Reason Two: I put my money where my mouth is with an iron clad 100% Guarantee. You’ll be stunned when you hear about it in a few moments. It’s a promise nobody else in my line of work will dare make. Because my name is on everything I do, when all is said and done my reputation is everything”
Reason Three: I have an arsenal of results based testimonials from my students These are real results that real people have gotten [using my system. You’ll hear from a couple of my students in just a minute. (By the way these are NOT made up. Every single one of them is backed up by video AND many more are on file at my office.)
Now, you absolutely don’t need my product to have more Money, Time and freedom. You can try to do everything on your own, watch YouTube videos and learn it by trial and error, or spend boatloads of time & money on so called Guru’s with zero evidence they have done anything prior to them becoming a “Guru”.
You can use The Ultimate Passionpreneur this is designed specifically for people trying to bridge the gap from where they are now to where they want to be following their passions that’s 100% guaranteed and has already been proven to be wildly effective!
My system The Ultimate Passionpreneur reveals how you can turn your passion into profits without the usual trial and error following the wrong path. It’s easy to follow and systematic. It works. Plus, in addition to The Ultimate Passionpreneur you’re also going to get…
Reason Two: I put my money where my mouth is with an iron clad 100% Guarantee. You’ll be stunned when you hear about it in a few moments. It’s a promise nobody else in my line of work will dare make. Because my name is on everything I do, when all is said and done my reputation is everything”
Reason Three: I have an arsenal of results based testimonials from my students These are real results that real people have gotten [using my system. You’ll hear from a couple of my students in just a minute. (By the way these are NOT made up. Every single one of them is backed up by video AND many more are on file at my office.)
Now, you absolutely don’t need my product to have more Money, Time and freedom. You can try to do everything on your own, watch YouTube videos and learn it by trial and error, or spend boatloads of time & money on so called Guru’s with zero evidence they have done anything prior to them becoming a “Guru”.
You can use The Ultimate Passionpreneur this is designed specifically for people trying to bridge the gap from where they are now to where they want to be following their passions that’s 100% guaranteed and has already been proven to be wildly effective!
My system The Ultimate Passionpreneur reveals how you can turn your passion into profits without the usual trial and error following the wrong path. It’s easy to follow and systematic. It works. Plus, in addition to The Ultimate Passionpreneur you’re also going to get…
Extra Special Bonuses
Special Bonus #1 - Three recordings of my best Private Coaching Sessions with students.
This is a seminar by itself and you get over four hours of additional powerful concepts to use as a Passionpreneur. Discover firsthand what others are doing and how to take these additional strategies and put them into your new business aka Passionpreneurship.
Special Bonus #2 – 100 ways to get clients – this audio contains over one hundred ways to get clients from scratch. All of which I have used and continue to use in my business. You must have lots of ways to get clients to come to you.
Special Bonus #3 – A physical copy of my Top Selling Book The Ultimate Passionpreneur. I will also mail the book to your location. (let me know if you want your copy signed)
Now, I know that you’re probably skeptical. That’s normal and healthy. But…don’t take my word for it.
This is a seminar by itself and you get over four hours of additional powerful concepts to use as a Passionpreneur. Discover firsthand what others are doing and how to take these additional strategies and put them into your new business aka Passionpreneurship.
Special Bonus #2 – 100 ways to get clients – this audio contains over one hundred ways to get clients from scratch. All of which I have used and continue to use in my business. You must have lots of ways to get clients to come to you.
Special Bonus #3 – A physical copy of my Top Selling Book The Ultimate Passionpreneur. I will also mail the book to your location. (let me know if you want your copy signed)
Now, I know that you’re probably skeptical. That’s normal and healthy. But…don’t take my word for it.
Listen To What People
Like You Have To Say…

“Eric taught me how to translate what I was already doing for fun into a product and before I knew it I was making an extra $400 per week. If I lost my job tomorrow I now own a skillset that puts me in a position to be financially independent and make money for the rest of my life. I would highly recommend Eric Anderson.” Latonya Bowens -

“Eric Anderson has taught me the importance of starting from scratch, not caring what other people think, and how to take the skills I have and turn them into CASH MONEY. Today I have a profitable business that makes money for me nonstop by following my passions. To date Eric’s advice has put $372,000.00 in my pocket. Eric’s system is PURE GOLD, simply follow his step by step plan and reap the rewards.” Marco Frezza -

“My name is Lacrecia Dangerfield exactly forty-eight days after starting to work with Eric Anderson I made $7491. To take it a step further Eric showed me how to take this and do it at least once per month which means I potentially have an extra $90,000 yearly income stream working about two hours a month. Eric's guidance helped me create my first online product, and a high-priced training program. With all the hype in the world it’s nice to finally work with someone that actually gets you the results they promise. Thanks again Eric.” Lacrecia Dangerfield -
Warning: Do NOT Buy Any
Success Product Unless It Meets
The Following Criteria…
There is a lot of confusion surrounding success products. I want to give you some criteria or elements you absolutely, positively must have before you invest in any success product:
First: Does the person selling the success product have verifiable history / track record? There are a lot of so called “Guru’s” out there looking to make a quick buck. And when you do your research there is ZERO evidence they have ever done anything but sell people how to do stuff, but they have NEVER done it themselves.
Second: Does the person selling the product have outcome, result based testimonials? Super important. Be wary of people selling products with fluff testimonials like, "Your book is really great...a must have." Anyone can get those. You want to see hardcore, no B.S.. testimonials like the ones you just read.
First: Does the person selling the success product have verifiable history / track record? There are a lot of so called “Guru’s” out there looking to make a quick buck. And when you do your research there is ZERO evidence they have ever done anything but sell people how to do stuff, but they have NEVER done it themselves.
Second: Does the person selling the product have outcome, result based testimonials? Super important. Be wary of people selling products with fluff testimonials like, "Your book is really great...a must have." Anyone can get those. You want to see hardcore, no B.S.. testimonials like the ones you just read.
By Now You’re Probably Wondering
“How Much Does This Cost”
My clients have invested $7500 - $11,000 to personally walk them through this system. I have created a home stufy version of the system that frees up a little time so I have a BIG savings for you!
Your investment is only $997.
The obvious question is what’s my hidden motive? Why am I practically giving away this product? My hope is that once you realize how effectively my system helps you turn your passion into profits you’ll want to continue to do business with me.
It’s really quite simple.
I KNOW The Ultimate Passionpreneur Blueprint will knock you off your feet. I also realize you’re probably skeptical so I wanted to remove any hesitation or doubt you may have by making the investment very doable.
The simple fact that you’ll finally bridge the gap from where you are now to where you want to go without the trial and error following the wrong path.
Everyone deserves to make enough money and live the life of their dreams. To take the vacations they have dreamed of, provide the finer things in life for their families, and focus on what’s important to them and not just work.
The Ultimate Passionpreneur is all self-contained and complete. Because it’s digital I will make a little but not a whole lot more. It’s really a win-win situation.
Second, I trust you to be fair and not take advantage of me or my offer so here is my personal promise to you.
Your investment is only $997.
The obvious question is what’s my hidden motive? Why am I practically giving away this product? My hope is that once you realize how effectively my system helps you turn your passion into profits you’ll want to continue to do business with me.
It’s really quite simple.
I KNOW The Ultimate Passionpreneur Blueprint will knock you off your feet. I also realize you’re probably skeptical so I wanted to remove any hesitation or doubt you may have by making the investment very doable.
The simple fact that you’ll finally bridge the gap from where you are now to where you want to go without the trial and error following the wrong path.
Everyone deserves to make enough money and live the life of their dreams. To take the vacations they have dreamed of, provide the finer things in life for their families, and focus on what’s important to them and not just work.
The Ultimate Passionpreneur is all self-contained and complete. Because it’s digital I will make a little but not a whole lot more. It’s really a win-win situation.
Second, I trust you to be fair and not take advantage of me or my offer so here is my personal promise to you.
Nothing Up My Sleeve No Risk,
100% Money Back Double Guarantee
The first 60 days is Unconditional. Go through the entire course use the information and you be the judge.
Sixty days after you finish the course for any reason or no reason at all if you want your money back I will return your investment No questions asked!
The second part of my guarantee is conditional. Ride with me for an additional ten months and follow The Ultimate Passionpreneur Success Blueprint as it’s outlined and if you don’t make at least 10 times your investment just send me an email saying what you tried and I will buy the entire program back from you.
Sixty days after you finish the course for any reason or no reason at all if you want your money back I will return your investment No questions asked!
The second part of my guarantee is conditional. Ride with me for an additional ten months and follow The Ultimate Passionpreneur Success Blueprint as it’s outlined and if you don’t make at least 10 times your investment just send me an email saying what you tried and I will buy the entire program back from you.
When you click the button you will be taken to a page that will allow you to use your
credit card, debit card or Paypal. Once received you will receive instant access to the program.
credit card, debit card or Paypal. Once received you will receive instant access to the program.
Get ready to turn your Passions Into Profits without the years of trial and error following the wrong path.
Thank you for your time and have an Amazing Day! Click the button right now and take advantage of this special onetime offer.
Thank you for your time and have an Amazing Day! Click the button right now and take advantage of this special onetime offer.
The Ultimate Passionpreneur
When you click the button you will be taken to a page that will allow you to use your
credit card, debit card or Paypal. Once received you will receive instant access to the program.
credit card, debit card or Paypal. Once received you will receive instant access to the program.
P.S. Monica Moody sent me the following e-mail… “I'm pleased to report that I am doing the work that I shared with you and it's awesome to see it unfold. You shared a few resources with me a few years back that completely supported me on my journey. Now, I have two platforms, a wonderful business as a trainer AND a book (again, your inspiration lit that fire). So, thank you!”
I guarantee you’ll feel the same way.
P.P.S. Jump on this right now because this opportunity to receive this at such a 90 percent discount goes away when you leave this page.
I guarantee you’ll feel the same way.
P.P.S. Jump on this right now because this opportunity to receive this at such a 90 percent discount goes away when you leave this page.
When you click the button you will be taken to a page that will allow you to use your
credit card, debit card or Paypal. Once received you will receive instant access to the program.
credit card, debit card or Paypal. Once received you will receive instant access to the program.