Special Report
Discover how you could MAKE AN EXTRA
$3,000-$7,000 in an hour or less with a virtual or in-person speech, even if you have never stood on a physical or virtual stage in your life!
Dear Friend,
This is Eric Anderson, speaker and author of the bestselling books How to Turn Your Passion Into Profits In the new Economy and The Magic of Attitude. Perhaps you have seen one of my television interviews on ESPN, NBC, FOX, CNN or CBS.
In this Paid Speaking Special Report, you are about to discover a simple 3-step secret system that will allow you to have organizations, associations, and companies paying you to speak during their virtual or in-person conferences and events.
You might be asking, "Eric, I’m brand new, will this work for me too?" YES, and you will see why in a moment.
Matter of fact, if you are new to the wonderful world of PAID speaking, you do not have any bad habits to unlearn, which puts you in a great position to succeed quickly.
If you are already a PAID speaker and you’re consistently making $150,000 or more per year from just the fees clients give you to speak at their events, then you can stop reading right now and do something else.
This is Eric Anderson, speaker and author of the bestselling books How to Turn Your Passion Into Profits In the new Economy and The Magic of Attitude. Perhaps you have seen one of my television interviews on ESPN, NBC, FOX, CNN or CBS.
In this Paid Speaking Special Report, you are about to discover a simple 3-step secret system that will allow you to have organizations, associations, and companies paying you to speak during their virtual or in-person conferences and events.
You might be asking, "Eric, I’m brand new, will this work for me too?" YES, and you will see why in a moment.
Matter of fact, if you are new to the wonderful world of PAID speaking, you do not have any bad habits to unlearn, which puts you in a great position to succeed quickly.
If you are already a PAID speaker and you’re consistently making $150,000 or more per year from just the fees clients give you to speak at their events, then you can stop reading right now and do something else.
This Is for You If You Are . . .
- an Entrepreneur
- a Coach
- an Author
- a Business owner
Or perhaps you have had some success in a career.
Or maybe you've been told you have a great story that needs to be shared.
Have you always wanted to get paid to speak? Are you are tired of speaking for free? Do you need to know where to start? You are about to be blown away with the truth.
If this is you, then you are in the right place and investing a few moments to go through this Paid Speaking Special Report will be the most important step you take to achieve your goal to become a paid speaker in the shortest amount of time.
Imagine You Could Wave a Magic Wand . . .
- Someone reaches out to you because they want you to attend their virtual or in person event AND pay you to speak.
- Your new client heavily promotes you before, during, AND after their virtual or in person event.
- Next, if it's an in-person event your client pays for your travel to their conference, and they put you up in a great hotel.
- You arrive to an online or live audience excited and eager to receive your message.
- The introductions are made.
- You talk for 45-75 minutes the audience applauds and asks you a few questions.
- And you get a NICE SIZE CHECK for the experience. The picture of the check was a 50% deposit for a keynote speech. (Did I mention you get paid in advance) My total speaking fee was $13,069.00. for a 55-minute talk. For some engagements my speaking fee is lower and others my speaking fee is higher. The point is this is how I feed my family.
- And then you do it again the next day or even the same day.
I once did three speaking engagements in three states in a 26-hour period. Now that clients have the option to do their events virtually this opens up many more options to stay home and speak. (I’ll tell you more about that later)
Here Are The Benefits Of Having Organizations
Pay You To Speak During Their Events.
- Since your presentation is your product there is little to no overhead, just the time it takes to do give your talk and naturally any travel if it’s an in-person event. (Here is a GEM for you – You can combine your out of town speaking gigs with your vacations. Example, when I took my kids to Disney for the first time, I booked a speaking engagement in Orlando and then organized our vacation around that date. When the client found out I was bringing my family with me they paid for an additional night in the resort where their conference was taking place. I spoke for about 90 minutes and the next morning we went to Disney and spent the next few days in Orlando. The speaking engagement paid for the trip with some money left over.) This Speakers Special Report will show you exactly how I’m able to do this again and again.
- You don’t even have to speak. Let me explain, you can do this for other speakers and book them to speak and you sit back and get a percentage of the speaking fee because you booked the speaker.
- You can run your speaking business from anywhere. My fiancé asked would I be willing to move to New Jersey with her because she was offered a new job. I jokingly asked her was there an airport in New Jersey? She answered yes! I moved with her because I can do what I do anywhere as long as I can get to the events. Sidebar – with the popularity of virtual conferences now you do not even need an airport for some of your future paid speaking engagements.
- Speaking allows you to reach INSTANT EXPERT STATUS. When people know you are the speaker you are given a certain amount of Star Power on your expertise.
- You can live off one speech for a LONG TIME. It’s easier to find a new audience then create a new speech that WORKS. (Read that again)
- You can make a really good income speaking. People are usually VERY SURPRISED what you can make as a speaker.
- Your past is a non-issue. In many cases your past HELPS you get speaking engagements. Extreme Example - A friend told me about a lady that made some mistakes and found herself in prison for a decade. Now that she is out, she is being offered opportunities to speak to share her story.
- When you know now how to properly ask for the money you will get paid in advance. On more than a few occasions I have been paid over a year in advance before a speaking engagement was happening. This way even though your upcoming speaking gig is 3 months away you do not have to wait three months to get paid and instead you get paid upfront when you know how to properly ask for the money.
- Your time commitment is small compared to other ways to make money.
- Little to no stress. Once you have your talk down it’s like you are just having a conversation with a friend BUT you are getting paid in the process. How many times have you shared great advice with a friend and made NOTHING!
- There are so many benefits to speaking I’ll stop here for now.
I’m not talking about the type of speaking where you have to get on stage and sell stuff to get paid. I’m talking about clients paying you to show up and talk.
If this type of speaking that interest you then keep reading because I have something Amazing for you.
As I said earlier with the world virtual conferences and events there's even greater potential for speakers and trainers.
Why Should You Listen To Me About Becoming a Paid Speaker!
Think about how quickly time flies by and how fast the world can change. Since you are this far into this Speakers Special Report you naturally have an interest in becoming a paid speaker.
Naturally I don’t know your exact reason for wanting to become a paid speaker but I do know the vast majority of people leave this planet never taking the action they intended on taking and they eventually just gave up and let life take over.
Trust me when I say you can become a highly paid speaker regardless of your situation.
- Perhaps someone said you have a story that you must share with the world.
- Perhaps you are trying to do something different.
- Perhaps you know you have a powerful message that you want to share, you are just not sure how to properly go about getting paid to speak.
- Perhaps you just want to improve your communication skills.
- Perhaps you want to use speaking to help build your business.
- Perhaps you just want to make some additional income and figure speaking would be a great way to make that happen.
Naturally I don’t know your exact reason for wanting to become a paid speaker but I do know the vast majority of people leave this planet never taking the action they intended on taking and they eventually just gave up and let life take over.
Trust me when I say you can become a highly paid speaker regardless of your situation.
Case Study #31
Latonya Bowens heard about my work through a mutual friend of ours and she reached out to me. She wanted to become a paid speaker and thought this would be a great way to add an additional stream of income to what she was doing. While talking with her there seemed to be a rush to make it happen quickly. After I asked her a few questions she revealed she was about to lose her job in 30 days and wanted to create an additional stream of income. She was a single mother working full time and going to school full time on top of all this she had a challenge with stuttering. Latonya knew if she did not invest in herself to make her dream happen nobody else would. Here is what happened next. She wanted to become an author while we worked on her speaking. I walked her through how to finish her book quickly and more importantly how to sell her book. While Latonya was working on her skills as a speaker, she put together a daylong conference and brought other presenters in to speak to the audience. Since then, she has been spoken on stages sharing her message and expertise.
“Eric taught me how to translate what I was already doing for fun into a product and before I knew it I was making an extra $400 a week just selling my book” LaTonya Bowens
Why I Do What I Do
Here is a bit of my story and why I do what I do go through it because it’s instructive AND I will reference it in a moment.
I was the 9th child to a single mother. I was put for adoption at birth. I was adopted at the age of two but because I was being abused in the adoptive home I was removed from the adoptive home and became a ward of the court and lived in numerous group homes and foster homes until I was 18 years old.
The one thing that really helped me in this situation was my love for the art of magic. When I was 5 years old, I learned a simple magic trick.
While going through the foster care system magic gave me something positive to focus on while I was in this situation.
My dream was to become a professional magician. Of course, I heard ALL the nonsense, Eric you’ll never succeed, that’s not practical and list goes on and on.
After aging out of foster care and experiencing some serious challenges like homelessness through a series of things happening to me, I discovered the missing key for me was understanding marketing and sales. I made my dream happen as a spokesperson / edutainer for the largest corporations in the world.
A good friend told me I should share my story and how I overcame the challenges I was faced with. I started combining my story with the magic and become known as The Magician with A Message.
I was the 9th child to a single mother. I was put for adoption at birth. I was adopted at the age of two but because I was being abused in the adoptive home I was removed from the adoptive home and became a ward of the court and lived in numerous group homes and foster homes until I was 18 years old.
The one thing that really helped me in this situation was my love for the art of magic. When I was 5 years old, I learned a simple magic trick.
While going through the foster care system magic gave me something positive to focus on while I was in this situation.
My dream was to become a professional magician. Of course, I heard ALL the nonsense, Eric you’ll never succeed, that’s not practical and list goes on and on.
After aging out of foster care and experiencing some serious challenges like homelessness through a series of things happening to me, I discovered the missing key for me was understanding marketing and sales. I made my dream happen as a spokesperson / edutainer for the largest corporations in the world.
A good friend told me I should share my story and how I overcame the challenges I was faced with. I started combining my story with the magic and become known as The Magician with A Message.
The Obvious Question - Why Am I Teaching This
That’s a fair question, and here is the answer. I struggled for a long time before I figured out all the pieces to the puzzle, and I never wanted anyone who had a real desire to get paid to share their message to waste years of trial and error trying to figure out what they really need to do to succeed as a speaker.
Then one day this happened to me. I’m walking down the street and young man stops me and says he saw me speak at an event called Celebrations of Excellence at the Fox Theater here in Atlanta. It’s an event for youth in foster care. Anyway, he made me promise I would not stop doing what I was doing.
I made the promise to him and later thought why not expand on that and teach other people how to have impact and share their stories with an audience because there is more than enough opportunity for everyone.
Then one day this happened to me. I’m walking down the street and young man stops me and says he saw me speak at an event called Celebrations of Excellence at the Fox Theater here in Atlanta. It’s an event for youth in foster care. Anyway, he made me promise I would not stop doing what I was doing.
I made the promise to him and later thought why not expand on that and teach other people how to have impact and share their stories with an audience because there is more than enough opportunity for everyone.
Here Is What You Are Going
To Learn In This Special Report
This is my Secret Formula for getting people excited to call you and hire you to speak at their virtual or in-person conferences and events.
T + T + T = Success as a Speaker
Here is a breakdown of each T in my Secret Formula.
I mentioned earlier that a friend of mind suggested that I share my story about overcoming my personal situation and how I live the life I’m currently living. I hesitated for a while because I said EVERYONE has a story what makes mine unique.
Anyway, my friend named Beverly stayed on me about it and kept saying Eric you must share your story. So, one day during a corporate entertainment program at the very end of my program I shared my story in a five-minute summery with the audience.
Instantly the audience stands up and gives me a standing ovation. While I have had standing ovations before this was very different because the questions had nothing to do with how I did what I did in the show and instead all the questions had to do with how I transformed my life. I said WOW that was very different.
I repeat the process on the next event and again tell my story at the very end of the program again the exact same response and the audience surrounded me waiting their turn to ask a question or share their personal story.
After I left the ballroom, I get on the elevator to head to my room and a man gets on the elevator with me and says to me I just saw your presentation and I have to be honest with you I did not like you.
I asked him why he said I don’t know I just did not like you and then the man said this “UNTIL YOU TOLD YOUR STORY!”
Think about it for a second you have been around someone that you just did not like for some reason and then you found out some additional information and it changed your initial thoughts about that person. You have done that to people and people have done it to you.
Here is what I learned, pay close attention... If people perceive you as PERFECT, they want to see you broken on the other side of that coin if people see that you have been BROKEN, they want to see you fixed or help fix you.
One of the MOST POWERFUL THINGS YOU CAN DO IN YOUR TALK is show you have had challenges.
It helps people relate to you and makes EVERYTHING else you say more believable and credible.
I hope you truly understand the POWER in what I just shared with you. It’s an Absolute GAME changer.
The first step in the formula is to TAP into your story(s). The truth is you have multiple stories and situations you can pull from your life of experience.
Anyway, my friend named Beverly stayed on me about it and kept saying Eric you must share your story. So, one day during a corporate entertainment program at the very end of my program I shared my story in a five-minute summery with the audience.
Instantly the audience stands up and gives me a standing ovation. While I have had standing ovations before this was very different because the questions had nothing to do with how I did what I did in the show and instead all the questions had to do with how I transformed my life. I said WOW that was very different.
I repeat the process on the next event and again tell my story at the very end of the program again the exact same response and the audience surrounded me waiting their turn to ask a question or share their personal story.
After I left the ballroom, I get on the elevator to head to my room and a man gets on the elevator with me and says to me I just saw your presentation and I have to be honest with you I did not like you.
I asked him why he said I don’t know I just did not like you and then the man said this “UNTIL YOU TOLD YOUR STORY!”
Think about it for a second you have been around someone that you just did not like for some reason and then you found out some additional information and it changed your initial thoughts about that person. You have done that to people and people have done it to you.
Here is what I learned, pay close attention... If people perceive you as PERFECT, they want to see you broken on the other side of that coin if people see that you have been BROKEN, they want to see you fixed or help fix you.
One of the MOST POWERFUL THINGS YOU CAN DO IN YOUR TALK is show you have had challenges.
It helps people relate to you and makes EVERYTHING else you say more believable and credible.
I hope you truly understand the POWER in what I just shared with you. It’s an Absolute GAME changer.
The first step in the formula is to TAP into your story(s). The truth is you have multiple stories and situations you can pull from your life of experience.
Here Is What You Have To Understand.
You have a story. I have yet to work with someone that does not have an epic and powerful story. It took my friend Beverly to make me share my story.
I knew about marketing in a major way and still failed to see how it would help. Your story makes all the difference in you being able to get great paying speaking engagements. Remember what the man on the elevator said Until You Told Your Story!
I knew about marketing in a major way and still failed to see how it would help. Your story makes all the difference in you being able to get great paying speaking engagements. Remember what the man on the elevator said Until You Told Your Story!
Case Study #43
Digital Marketing & Social Media Strategist
Once you TAP into your story now you have to Translate your story into a presentation that connects with an audience that can relate to your story and the solution / expertise that you bring to the table.
A major mistake the vast majority of speakers make is trying to make their presentation fit ALL audiences. This is a Big Mistake because it makes your presentation disjointed and forced.
What you want to do is let your story dictate the audience that you need to speak to.
Read that last sentence again because it’s million-dollar piece of advice. When I made this simple shift in my speaking business my income jumped tremendously.
I went from struggling to get booked to speak to getting booked easily because now the person planning the conference KNEW the audience would be able to relate to the information I was sharing.
This is an absolute game changer and makes it easy to deliver a powerful message to an audience that actually wants SOLUTIONS and the ANSWERS you can provide.
In my case I focus on the Human Service Professionals that work in adoption and foster care.
Because that is my story and my expertise in this subject matter is based on my life experience.
Here is an EASTER EGG for you. Even though you will target a particular audience based on your history you will find crazy amounts of opportunity because someone will see you speak at a conference and then asked can you come share that same message with our audience. Inserting it may not be your target audience but they will still want you because they know their audience will be able to relate to your message.
Naturally you MUST translate your story into a powerful talk. One of the Biggest mistakes speakers make is NOT FOLLOWING A PROVEN structure when putting their talk together. I’ve seen people get up there and wing it.
The problem with winging it is your results will vary from audience to audience. Sometimes your speech will be fantastic and others time it will be just ok.
Here is how you solve this issue. When you put your talk together you make sure it follows a proven structure. When you follow a structure, you will get predictable results.
I believe in guaranteeing EVERYTHING I do so when a client hires me to speak to their audience, I Guarantee a Standing Ovation or they do not owe me a single red cent.
I sat down and deconstructed what I was doing effectively and created what I call The Presentation Matrix. The Presentation Matrix allows you to plug in your information into a proven structure that your audience will respond too.
This way when you speak virtually or in person you will get predictable results each time you speak.
There are 9 steps in the presentation matrix.
A major mistake the vast majority of speakers make is trying to make their presentation fit ALL audiences. This is a Big Mistake because it makes your presentation disjointed and forced.
What you want to do is let your story dictate the audience that you need to speak to.
Read that last sentence again because it’s million-dollar piece of advice. When I made this simple shift in my speaking business my income jumped tremendously.
I went from struggling to get booked to speak to getting booked easily because now the person planning the conference KNEW the audience would be able to relate to the information I was sharing.
This is an absolute game changer and makes it easy to deliver a powerful message to an audience that actually wants SOLUTIONS and the ANSWERS you can provide.
In my case I focus on the Human Service Professionals that work in adoption and foster care.
Because that is my story and my expertise in this subject matter is based on my life experience.
Here is an EASTER EGG for you. Even though you will target a particular audience based on your history you will find crazy amounts of opportunity because someone will see you speak at a conference and then asked can you come share that same message with our audience. Inserting it may not be your target audience but they will still want you because they know their audience will be able to relate to your message.
Naturally you MUST translate your story into a powerful talk. One of the Biggest mistakes speakers make is NOT FOLLOWING A PROVEN structure when putting their talk together. I’ve seen people get up there and wing it.
The problem with winging it is your results will vary from audience to audience. Sometimes your speech will be fantastic and others time it will be just ok.
Here is how you solve this issue. When you put your talk together you make sure it follows a proven structure. When you follow a structure, you will get predictable results.
I believe in guaranteeing EVERYTHING I do so when a client hires me to speak to their audience, I Guarantee a Standing Ovation or they do not owe me a single red cent.
I sat down and deconstructed what I was doing effectively and created what I call The Presentation Matrix. The Presentation Matrix allows you to plug in your information into a proven structure that your audience will respond too.
This way when you speak virtually or in person you will get predictable results each time you speak.
There are 9 steps in the presentation matrix.
Here Are Four Moves You Must
Include To Have A Great Presentation
Your signature story – remember the audience wants to know why you do what you do and why they should take you seriously.
Then you need three true stories from your life experience that you will tell separately. When your stories are told they conclude with a tool and or message the audience will walk away with.
Here is why this is so POWERFUL!
We are taught as children to listen to stories. Matter of fact all of Hollywood is based on what? Stories! Social Media is fueled my people’s stories. People tune into reality shows to pay attention to other people’s stories.
Your story is the key.
The difference you will provide as a paid speaker is your story(s) will share a message your audience will benefit from. That’s the difference.
Remember you need your signature story, and three stories from your life that leave the audience with a solution or perhaps a different way to think about their situation.
I won’t go into the entire Presentation Matrix because I just don’t have the space here to do it justice. Just having your stories in place is a massive head start.
Then you need three true stories from your life experience that you will tell separately. When your stories are told they conclude with a tool and or message the audience will walk away with.
Here is why this is so POWERFUL!
We are taught as children to listen to stories. Matter of fact all of Hollywood is based on what? Stories! Social Media is fueled my people’s stories. People tune into reality shows to pay attention to other people’s stories.
Your story is the key.
The difference you will provide as a paid speaker is your story(s) will share a message your audience will benefit from. That’s the difference.
Remember you need your signature story, and three stories from your life that leave the audience with a solution or perhaps a different way to think about their situation.
I won’t go into the entire Presentation Matrix because I just don’t have the space here to do it justice. Just having your stories in place is a massive head start.
Case Study #28
Real Estate Investor Uses Speaking To Build His Business
Once you have your story and the rough outline for your presentation how do you get people to reach out to you and PAY you to speak at their virtual or in person conferences and events.
The answer is simple and it comes down to a nine-letter word MARKETING.
Marketing will allow you to transfer what you know to the proper people that will hire you to speak at their events.
You have already started the marketing process by Tapping into your story and Translating that into a talk for YOUR BEST audience.
With that said all of that is a waste of time if you cannot get people to connect with you with a sincere interest in PAYING YOU TO SPEAK.
Here is how we do that.
I know and use some powerful marketing strategies to get booked to speak. In the interest of time, I will share one of my favorite and one of the most POWERFUL strategies you can use to get booked to speak that will cost you nothing but will have Incredible Impact and will benefit every other part of your business at the same time.
Here is how I accidently discovered this strategy. I served a brief stint in the United States Air Force. Just to make the story complete I was a cook.
A military base is like small city and has EVERTHING any city would have.
One day I walk into the office of the base newspaper called The Air Pulse I get into a conversation with the editor of the weekly newspaper and I tell him my story about being a magician. He says great let’s do a story on you. He interviews me and a week later the story comes out. To be honest I forgot about the story.
Anyway, one day I’m walking on base headed to the gym and a car drives by yelling out the window at me saying, I read your story in the newspaper.
Next when I went to work in the dining hall the next day people are coming in saying WOW I had no idea you did that (magic) this went on for a couple of weeks.
OVERNIGHT almost the entire military base knew who I was. This turned into paid performances for the Officers Club and the NCO Club.
I was blown away!
That’s the POWER OF PUBLICITY. After my stint in the Air Force, I stepped out on my own to make my dream come true I said to myself if I can get this result by accident what if I learned how to get publicity on demand to build my business.
I learned everything that worked about publicity and applied it to my speaking business and in no time, I was getting featured on television, radio and in newspapers ALL THE TIME.
At one point I hired a publicist thinking she would be able to do a better job. I was wrong matter of fact after giving her the money she requested I received ZERO PUBLICITY. I went back to doing it on my own again with fantastic results.
Here is a HUGE EASTER EGG. I became so good at getting publicity I started using a process I developed to get the clients that hired me to speak FREE PUBLICITY when they brought me to their conference.
This was a MASSIVE Incentive to get them to hire me because they were paying Publicists and PR Firms who were not producing the results my clients wanted.
Anyway, here is what you must understand about getting featured in the media. Naturally that includes podcasts and a variety of media like internal company newsletters. Most speakers don’t even know when they know what to do, they can get featured in a corporation internal newsletter.
Imagine you just spoke at a company’s virtual conference and then they do a feature on you talking about your presentation. How many additional paid speaking gigs will you potentially get with that company. A lot - ask me how I know.
I went on a brief tangent but let’s get back to what you need to understand about getting featured in the media.
The answer is simple and it comes down to a nine-letter word MARKETING.
Marketing will allow you to transfer what you know to the proper people that will hire you to speak at their events.
You have already started the marketing process by Tapping into your story and Translating that into a talk for YOUR BEST audience.
With that said all of that is a waste of time if you cannot get people to connect with you with a sincere interest in PAYING YOU TO SPEAK.
Here is how we do that.
I know and use some powerful marketing strategies to get booked to speak. In the interest of time, I will share one of my favorite and one of the most POWERFUL strategies you can use to get booked to speak that will cost you nothing but will have Incredible Impact and will benefit every other part of your business at the same time.
Here is how I accidently discovered this strategy. I served a brief stint in the United States Air Force. Just to make the story complete I was a cook.
A military base is like small city and has EVERTHING any city would have.
One day I walk into the office of the base newspaper called The Air Pulse I get into a conversation with the editor of the weekly newspaper and I tell him my story about being a magician. He says great let’s do a story on you. He interviews me and a week later the story comes out. To be honest I forgot about the story.
Anyway, one day I’m walking on base headed to the gym and a car drives by yelling out the window at me saying, I read your story in the newspaper.
Next when I went to work in the dining hall the next day people are coming in saying WOW I had no idea you did that (magic) this went on for a couple of weeks.
OVERNIGHT almost the entire military base knew who I was. This turned into paid performances for the Officers Club and the NCO Club.
I was blown away!
That’s the POWER OF PUBLICITY. After my stint in the Air Force, I stepped out on my own to make my dream come true I said to myself if I can get this result by accident what if I learned how to get publicity on demand to build my business.
I learned everything that worked about publicity and applied it to my speaking business and in no time, I was getting featured on television, radio and in newspapers ALL THE TIME.
At one point I hired a publicist thinking she would be able to do a better job. I was wrong matter of fact after giving her the money she requested I received ZERO PUBLICITY. I went back to doing it on my own again with fantastic results.
Here is a HUGE EASTER EGG. I became so good at getting publicity I started using a process I developed to get the clients that hired me to speak FREE PUBLICITY when they brought me to their conference.
This was a MASSIVE Incentive to get them to hire me because they were paying Publicists and PR Firms who were not producing the results my clients wanted.
Anyway, here is what you must understand about getting featured in the media. Naturally that includes podcasts and a variety of media like internal company newsletters. Most speakers don’t even know when they know what to do, they can get featured in a corporation internal newsletter.
Imagine you just spoke at a company’s virtual conference and then they do a feature on you talking about your presentation. How many additional paid speaking gigs will you potentially get with that company. A lot - ask me how I know.
I went on a brief tangent but let’s get back to what you need to understand about getting featured in the media.
Working With The Media
When it comes to getting yourself featured on…
The media is looking for your content. With the 24-hour news cycle they are in need of stories to put on the air you just have to know how to Properly connect with them and give them what they need.
Guess what it’s not just a press release.
Here one powerful way to get featured in the media. You want to enter the conversation already taking place in the mind of the media.
I’m sure you’re asking Eric what does that mean?
If there is a story in the news and you are able to tie in what you do and who you are to that story it’s a perfect way to get featured on television and every other opportunity available to you.
Here is a real time example how quickly you can book a speaking engagement when you use publicity.
- Television
- Radio
- Print Newspapers
- Digital Newspapers
- Podcasts
- Blogs
- Internal Company Newsletters
- Blogs
- Social Media
- Etc.
The media is looking for your content. With the 24-hour news cycle they are in need of stories to put on the air you just have to know how to Properly connect with them and give them what they need.
Guess what it’s not just a press release.
Here one powerful way to get featured in the media. You want to enter the conversation already taking place in the mind of the media.
I’m sure you’re asking Eric what does that mean?
If there is a story in the news and you are able to tie in what you do and who you are to that story it’s a perfect way to get featured on television and every other opportunity available to you.
Here is a real time example how quickly you can book a speaking engagement when you use publicity.
Case Study
ESPN SEC Network - Media Interview with Dari Nowkhah, Tim Tebow and Marcus Spears
I was featured on ESPN SEC Network. I was on the air for just under 7 minutes. If you don’t know that is a monumental amount of time on LIVE television. When I finished the interview at about 11:00am and checked my phone as i expected the inquires started pouring in.
Below Is One of The Events That Booked Me For Their Conference After They Had Seen Me On Television.
Getting publicity for myself is one thing but I also show my students how to get use free publicity to book paid speaking engagements.
Here is a CASE STUDY with Cara Sevier I had Cara send out what I call my Rapid Publicity Email to a producer and in less than 24 hours she was booked to appear on a NBC television show to promote her business naturally building her speaking business.
Here is a CASE STUDY with Cara Sevier I had Cara send out what I call my Rapid Publicity Email to a producer and in less than 24 hours she was booked to appear on a NBC television show to promote her business naturally building her speaking business.
So Far You’ve Discovered
Tap – First you have to TAP into a part of your story that will get you booked to speak. Your story is the foundation that will get you booked as often as you want.
Translate – Then you have to TRANSLATE your story into a presentation that will connect with an audience that has gone / going through a similar experience but is looking for solutions that will help them in their lives.
Transfer – Finally you have to TRANSFER what you know to the world through great marketing. You want to market in such a way that you are not chasing your clients. Publicity is only one way to build your speaking business. You should have other marketing strategies in your tool box to get people that are organizing virtual or in person conferences to bring you in and pay you to speak to their audiences.
Translate – Then you have to TRANSLATE your story into a presentation that will connect with an audience that has gone / going through a similar experience but is looking for solutions that will help them in their lives.
Transfer – Finally you have to TRANSFER what you know to the world through great marketing. You want to market in such a way that you are not chasing your clients. Publicity is only one way to build your speaking business. You should have other marketing strategies in your tool box to get people that are organizing virtual or in person conferences to bring you in and pay you to speak to their audiences.
Here Is What You Must Understand
When you properly execute the 3 step formula I have outlined for you to follow you can go from ZERO to getting paid to speak very quickly. Check out this Case Study of what can potentially happen when you follow the proven process, I have just outlined for you.
Here Is A Question I Get Often. Eric How Do I Make This Happen In My Life In The Shortest Amount of Time Possible?
You Have Two Choices… First you can use the Trial-and-Error method which does work it just takes time. Because you have to search the internet and other sources you come across and hope and pray what you find has been tested and proven by someone who actually is not just a speaker but knows how to mentor you how to get results in the fastest time possible. Like I said Trial and Error can work it just cost you time and money.
Here is what Dr. Nicholas Harper had to say - "After Eric Anderson's Speaking For Newbies, I am convinced that his knowledge could literally shorten a new speaker's learning curve by five to ten years. Additionally, it is my belief that a speaker would generate no less than two to three times as much income with his help."
This Opportunity Is NOT For You If…
1. This is not for your if you have zero interest in getting paid to speak at virtual or in person conferences and events.
2. This is not for your if you can’t follow a step-by-step tested and proven system that has worked and been honed over 27 years with PAYING clients
3. This is not for your if you’re the type of person that believes you don’t need to do anything yet something great will happen in your life this is not the program for you. Yes, I’ve done the majority of the heavy lifting for you but you still have to take action!
4. This is not for you if the investment in yourself is going to cause you to miss a meal or put you in a position that you miss paying a bill. If that is YOU, PLEASE DO NOT INVEST IN THIS PROGRAM? Instead take what I have Gifted to you in this Speakers Special Report and put yourself in a financial position that will allow you to invest in yourself without any stress of needing something to happen in 24 hours or less.
2. This is not for your if you can’t follow a step-by-step tested and proven system that has worked and been honed over 27 years with PAYING clients
3. This is not for your if you’re the type of person that believes you don’t need to do anything yet something great will happen in your life this is not the program for you. Yes, I’ve done the majority of the heavy lifting for you but you still have to take action!
4. This is not for you if the investment in yourself is going to cause you to miss a meal or put you in a position that you miss paying a bill. If that is YOU, PLEASE DO NOT INVEST IN THIS PROGRAM? Instead take what I have Gifted to you in this Speakers Special Report and put yourself in a financial position that will allow you to invest in yourself without any stress of needing something to happen in 24 hours or less.
Here Is How The Training Is Delivered
For your convenience and ease of use the system is hosted inside a private membership site. You will get access to each session. Sidebar - I would highly suggest you go through the system as it’s outlined because each session leads to the next step in the process.
It is suggested you go though one session every seven to ten days to help you digest and implement the proven system properly.
You will receive a video, audio, and a pdf for necessary modules and ALL of the templates, scripts and assets you need, will need to get paid as a speaker.
It is suggested you go though one session every seven to ten days to help you digest and implement the proven system properly.
You will receive a video, audio, and a pdf for necessary modules and ALL of the templates, scripts and assets you need, will need to get paid as a speaker.
Here Is A Complete Run Down From A - Z of Everything Inside The Speaking For Newbies Online Success Blueprint.
SESSION #1 - Truth 2 Transformation Starts with Your Story – You will unlock and TAP into YOUR EPIC story! Your story is the foundation. Do not for a second believe you do not have a story because YOU DO! During this session you will uncover something powerful when you walk through the process. ACTUAL VALUE $1200.00
SESSION #2 - Discover Your Best Audience – Your BEST audience will be different from mine and other speakers. Your soon to be clients that will hire you for presentations online or onstage are quietly looking for an answer to this question. Why should we use you over everyone else that we can hire to speak? You MUST have a great answer to this question. I will give you the answer and how to deliver it to the clients that can hire you to speak.
SESSION #3 - Website Creation For Keynote Speaking – In this session you will discover how to have your website properly set up to book your virtual and in person speaking engagements. I am not a tech person I just follow easy to follow systems that work. If you can copy and paste you can create a website. I will let you know the company I use and why how to get a great domain for speaking etc. You will know exactly what to do.
SESSION #4 - Creating Your Marketing Message - In this session you will discover how to create your signature marketing message. This is different this your signature story. In this session you will know exactly what to create to get your best clients to contact you to speak at their virtual and in person events and conferences. You will uncover the POWER of the marketing triangle and how to use this to secure great speaking engagements. Using this process you will not chase after clients instead they will chase after you to speak at their events.
SESSION #5 - DISCOVER A GOLDMINE of Potential Clients that Can Book Your Speech - One question I’m always asked is who do I contact to book my keynote speech? For the past 16 years I have used a NEARLY UNLIMITED FREE LEAD RESOURCE to find people to hire me to speak. Let me tell you how powerful this free resource can be. The FIRST time I used this resource I booked $22,000.00 in speaking engagements. The first client sent the first $5000 ten days later. Obviously, I’m not saying you will do that, you might do better. The point is this resource is always updated and you will never run out of people that can hire you to speak. One student reached out to me when she saw this and simply said WOW, I had no idea this is worth the entire course.
SESSION #6 – Contacting Clients That Can Book Your Keynote Speech – In this session you will learn exactly what to send to potential clients that will have them booking your speech. I can make a bet this is not what you think it is. Someone told me about this and I ignored it saying that’s not going to work for me. About three years later I finally implemented this and it changed my life because I now knew I could book speaking engagements pretty much on demand. Lots of people teach you how to speak but if you can’t get booked to speak what is the point. This is Game Changer!
SESSION #7 - How to Properly Ask for The Money AND Get It. In this session I walk you through my Success Blueprint. This is a simple system to ask for the money. This is really powerful because it allows you to raise your fees without the fear of losing opportunities. Once this is in place it makes it easy to ask for the money / while helping you clarify your true value to your soon to be speaking clients. You must be able to include everyone in the decision making process so you don’t have one person trying to explain to everyone what you said. The Success Blueprint will do this without you personally being involved which allows you to use that time for other stuff. Watch the sixty second on the right and find out and find out what happen to Anthony Ware when he used used the Success Blueprint.
SESSION #8 – Contracts agreements for paid speaking / closing the deal. You will discover exactly what to send your new client to get paid. You want them in and out of the agreement without any issues. I use a simple one-page agreement. Also, in this training I detail what the contract is really for. As a Special Bonus I will show you how to get the client to prepay for your services 8 out of 10 times. Even though this is the agreement I use legally I have to say you might want to use your own attorney to draft an agreement for you. With that said I have used this exact agreement for a long time because it works.
Here's The Absolute Bottom Line:
When you implement the training modules you will finally have everything you need to succeed as a keynote speaker and trainer and have companies PAYING YOU to speak at their virtual and in person conferences and events.
It's important you remember; this is not about just information! It's all about taking action and getting you RESULTS FAST.
It's important you remember; this is not about just information! It's all about taking action and getting you RESULTS FAST.
So How Much Is The Investment For You
To Take Advantage Of This Opportunity?
Before I share the investment with you lets establish REAL WORLD value. Click the play button below and watch the 48 second Results Based Case Study Video and discover what a student of my process did using only one move she learned from me.
Case Study #61
How Andrieka Austin Made More Then $72,000.00
Using Only ONE MOVE She Learned From ME.
Naturally I'm not suggesting you will make $72,000.00 you could potentially do more. The actual value of the Speaking For Newbies Online Success Blueprint is WAY more because once you know what to do it's just a matter of rinse and repeat.
I wanted to make sure anyone who has a desire to learn the truth about the paid speaking business to be able to get started quickly flourish and .
So here is the investment...
I wanted to make sure anyone who has a desire to learn the truth about the paid speaking business to be able to get started quickly flourish and .
So here is the investment...
Today your investment is only 4 investments of $499.25 spread 30 days apart for a total investment of $1997.00 or a single investment of $1497.00 for additional savings of $500.00 when you take action now.
You should ONLY do business with someone who guarantee what they offer. As I mentioned earlier I believe in Guaranteeing everything I do. Why? I know this is not an if this will work I know it will work when you follow the proven process and take action. So with that said here is my guarantee...
Nothing Up My Sleeve I Pay You If You Fail Guarantee
Follow my Speaking For Newbies Online Success Blueprint as it’s outlined for a full year and if you have not made back at least 5 times your investment, contact me and show me that you implemented the entire proven processes and I will buy the entire program back from you and I’ll give you an additional $500 as my way of saying thanks for trying.
Now that you know you are secured by my pay you if you fail guarantee lets discuss the investment into the program.
Here Are A Few of The Special Bonuses
Inside The Private Membership Site.
BONUS #1: Publicity Magic How To Get Featured On Television Radio, Podcasts and Print / Online Media Get ready to get featured on television, radio, podcasts and online / print media. What you say about yourself pales in comparison to what others say about you. I have appeared in the media for more than 30 years and know exactly how to get the media to take you seriously. This Special Bonus includes templates you can model instantly to get results FAST!
BONUS #2: Presentation Matrix Revealed - The presentations matrix is a POWERFUL process to put a structure to your keynote presentation for maximum results online or onstage!
BONUS #3: How To Properly Set Up Your Virtual Stage For Speaking Engagements On Zoom Etc. Since the COVID-19 corporations and associations are also offering virtual presentations for their events and conferences.
BONUS #4: The Speaking For Newbies Online Success Blueprint is designed for you to benefit from the program at your own pace. When you let me know that you have completed the course I will send you a Certificate of Completion.
BONUS #5: You will have LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP in the Keynote Speaker Blueprint with all of the additional benefits inside the private membership site.
As a surprise I have put Easter Eggs throughout the program. These are additional Special Bonus I’m not going to discuss but when you experience what they are you will just say WOW!
I believe you must always deliver more then you promise and rest assured this program overdelivers in a BIG WAY!
BONUS #2: Presentation Matrix Revealed - The presentations matrix is a POWERFUL process to put a structure to your keynote presentation for maximum results online or onstage!
BONUS #3: How To Properly Set Up Your Virtual Stage For Speaking Engagements On Zoom Etc. Since the COVID-19 corporations and associations are also offering virtual presentations for their events and conferences.
BONUS #4: The Speaking For Newbies Online Success Blueprint is designed for you to benefit from the program at your own pace. When you let me know that you have completed the course I will send you a Certificate of Completion.
BONUS #5: You will have LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP in the Keynote Speaker Blueprint with all of the additional benefits inside the private membership site.
As a surprise I have put Easter Eggs throughout the program. These are additional Special Bonus I’m not going to discuss but when you experience what they are you will just say WOW!
I believe you must always deliver more then you promise and rest assured this program overdelivers in a BIG WAY!
Case Study #83
Sonia Ashford
"I did speaking presentations for my job and community organizations but
wasn’t sure how I could do what I loved and get paid until I met Eric. His program taught me that you don’t have to have everything in place to get started. This aha moment gave me the courage to complete my first masters class this past June where I earned a little over $800.00. Secondly, he taught me that it’s not the amount of people that show up for your engagement but that your message reaches those that do. I would recommend anyone who feels that they are called to speak or have a message that may educate or motivate others to register for his program. I have learned so much from Eric. He is very personable and always open and willing to make sure that you are set up for success." Sonia Ashford |
Choose How You Will Enroll Below
YES, Eric, I want to enroll in Speaking For Newbies Online Success Blueprint where I will have a Proven System that will have me booking paid speaking engagements and providing me with the opportunity to share my expertise and story with an audience therefore allowing me to create more freedom for me and my family. I understand my investment is RISK-FREE, and back up by the Guarantee stated above.
I understand the Speaking For Newbies Success Blueprint is delivered inside a private membership website which includes the Special Bonuses. I will also receive PDF's, MP3's, Transcripts, Templates, and Assets and Complete Recordings of each session in a Private Membership Area.
Once I receive your information, I will personally load you into the Private Membership Area. From there you will receive an email welcoming you to the program.
Included in this email will be a video showing you how to log into the private membership area so you can access the program at your convenience and have lifetime access to this powerful information about getting paid to speak.
Take action now and enroll in the Speaking For Newbies Success Blueprint. After you click the button below you will be taken to a second page that will give you the option to take advantage of the single investment option or the two-investment option.
Regardless of the option you choose as soon as your information is received you will be onboarded into the system.
Click the button below right now while it's fresh on your mind.
I understand the Speaking For Newbies Success Blueprint is delivered inside a private membership website which includes the Special Bonuses. I will also receive PDF's, MP3's, Transcripts, Templates, and Assets and Complete Recordings of each session in a Private Membership Area.
Once I receive your information, I will personally load you into the Private Membership Area. From there you will receive an email welcoming you to the program.
Included in this email will be a video showing you how to log into the private membership area so you can access the program at your convenience and have lifetime access to this powerful information about getting paid to speak.
Take action now and enroll in the Speaking For Newbies Success Blueprint. After you click the button below you will be taken to a second page that will give you the option to take advantage of the single investment option or the two-investment option.
Regardless of the option you choose as soon as your information is received you will be onboarded into the system.
Click the button below right now while it's fresh on your mind.
Choose Either The Three Investments or The Single Investment And Take Advantage of This Opportunity Right NOW! Click The Proper Button Below...
Click the button above that works best for you right now while it's fresh on your mind. I'm looking forward to helping you succeed and showing you the absolute truth about what it takes to get organizations to pay you to speak.
Eric Anderson
Founder - Speaking For Newbies
Founder - Speaking For Newbies
P.S. When you take action right now I’m going to send you a VIP MASTERPASS to my LIVE in person event. Even if you can’t attend an upcoming event your MasterPass will remain valid until it’s used. Here is one of the Extra Special Bonuses VIP status gives you when you attend my Speaking For Newbies LIVE in person event. I’m bringing in Celebrity Photographer Eric Johnson to take some pictures of you. Naturally these photos will be produced so you can use them in all your future marketing as a speaker. This Fast Action Bonus has an actual value of $1000.00 and is yours when you act right now.
P.S. “Three Powerful Reasons You Should Take What I Say Very Seriously.
Reason One: I’m one of you. I struggled for a long time trying to figure out how to get people to call me eagerly ready to bring me in as a keynote speaker for their events and conferences. My mind was blown when a client payed me $15,000.00 to appear at their event. After additional trial and error I finally cracked the code and started traveling the country averaging 186 paid speaking engagements each year. Here is how this benefits YOU! Using the system, I created I know how to get paid keynote speaking engagements and more importantly I know how to get you as many paid keynote speaking engagements as you can do. Perhaps you only want a couple per month or maybe much more the system works regardless.
Reason Two: For the past 12 years I’ve helped other speakers better understand how to get booked at conferences and have total confidence in their abilities to get the types of keynote speaking engagements they want. I did not just show up on the scene claiming to be an expert. This is what I have done and STILL DO and LOVE every moment of it. I just want you to understand there are tons of events and conferences YOU can speak at and generate similar results and potentially BETTER RESULTS.
Reason Three: I have results-based testimonials from my students I've helped to do this. These are real results from people just like you that have gotten FANTASTIC RESULTS using my process for getting paid speaking gigs. You have heard from a few of my students throughout this Special Report. There are also a couple of well-known speakers I have personally worked with and helped get FANTASTIC RESULTS but for some reason they don’t want anybody else to know I'm their secret weapon. It’s all good their secret is safe with me. LOL
Reason Two: For the past 12 years I’ve helped other speakers better understand how to get booked at conferences and have total confidence in their abilities to get the types of keynote speaking engagements they want. I did not just show up on the scene claiming to be an expert. This is what I have done and STILL DO and LOVE every moment of it. I just want you to understand there are tons of events and conferences YOU can speak at and generate similar results and potentially BETTER RESULTS.
Reason Three: I have results-based testimonials from my students I've helped to do this. These are real results from people just like you that have gotten FANTASTIC RESULTS using my process for getting paid speaking gigs. You have heard from a few of my students throughout this Special Report. There are also a couple of well-known speakers I have personally worked with and helped get FANTASTIC RESULTS but for some reason they don’t want anybody else to know I'm their secret weapon. It’s all good their secret is safe with me. LOL