Attention - Would You Like To Get Paid To Speak?
Free Speaking For Newbies Training Video Reveals How You Could Potentially Make An Extra $1000.00 - $5000.00 For A Virtual or In Person Keynote Speech Even If You Have Never Done It Before!
If you’re already making $150,000.00 or more as a Keynote Speaker from just the fee’s clients give you to speak at their events then you can stop reading right now and do something else because this is not the training for you.
HOWEVER if you are new to THE BUSINESS OF SPEAKING and HOW TO GET PAID Virtual and in person KEYNOTE SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS you are in for a treat because I specialize in showing people like you the kind of speaking where you don't have to get on stage and sell anything.
If you have a message you want to share with an audience and get paid in the process then put your name and email in the form above and to your right and I will send a link to your email that GIFTS you instant access to the Speaking For Newbies Training Video.
HOWEVER if you are new to THE BUSINESS OF SPEAKING and HOW TO GET PAID Virtual and in person KEYNOTE SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS you are in for a treat because I specialize in showing people like you the kind of speaking where you don't have to get on stage and sell anything.
If you have a message you want to share with an audience and get paid in the process then put your name and email in the form above and to your right and I will send a link to your email that GIFTS you instant access to the Speaking For Newbies Training Video.
Important - this is a full blown training and last exactly so get ready to take lots of notes this is your fastest way to jump start and get paid as a speaker for virtual and in person events.
Here's What You Will Discover During This
Training On How To Get Paid As A Speaker!
- You will find out what a single mother did who wanted to speak but she had a challenge with stuttering even still she still got into the business of speaking. Hear about what she did. As a side note she started making an extra $400 a week taking a single action everyone should be doing.
- You will discover what the greatest fear is for the vast majority of people and guess what it’s not speaking.
- Discover the three different types of speakers. Why you can be completely unknown as still get paid FANTASTIC MONEY starting from scratch.
- Learn about two different business models for speaking. The models are VASTLY different yet it’s easy for people to confuse the two. The one I suggest you start with is the same model I started with and still use today. Here is a one-word clue – “Checks”
- The one thing you MUST add to your presentations if you want to succeed in a major way. Not having this in your program can have people saying they didn’t like you. It’s crazy but this one thing makes ALL the difference.
- Where to find your best content for your keynotes and trainings and how to structure everything. When I speak, I guarantee a standing ovation with my clients. I’m only able to make that promise because I follow a proven process when putting together all my programs.
- Learn two powerful strategies I learned from my mentors that changed my life. More importantly this this advice helped my career as a speaker. This very instructive and I would be shocked if you couldn’t apply it to your situation.
- Find out why your ______ is one of if not your biggest assets.
- The two things you will want to add to your keynotes to make them entertaining, educational and empowering.
- I will share with you a wickedly powerful marketing strategy that books speaking engagements FAST. Matter of fact you will see it play out as it happened for a keynote speech. You will see “exactly’ what I did and how you can do the same thing. I will also pull back the curtain and show you how one of my coaching students used the exact same marketing strategy to achieve great results. And YES, you can do this too. I’m sure this is not what you think it is.
- This is just the tip of the iceberg so much more will be reveal during this training.
- By the way I’m NOT selling you anything. This is a full blow training about what it really takes to succeed in the business of keynote speaking.
What People Like You Are Saying
About What You Are About To Discover...

“I'm a professional speaker and coach and Eric taught me a couple moves that made a big difference on my bottom line. I really appreciate these nuggets and I highly recommend that you go find where he's speaking and learn from him.” Dr. Abir Alameddine
“I'm a professional speaker and coach and Eric taught me a couple moves that made a big difference on my bottom line. I really appreciate these nuggets and I highly recommend that you go find where he's speaking and learn from him.” Dr. Abir Alameddine

“Eric I have a success story for you. Following your format, I just secured $1257.00. This is actually the highest amount I’ve ever received. It’s upwards from here. Thanks!!! "Anthony Ware

"I started to apply a few of the concepts and within a very short period of time I’ve been making a lot more money as a speaker. Eric was telling me to add zeros to what I do. I was like no one is going to pay that! BUT they totally are! If you’re considering working with Eric Anderson don’t consider it just jump right in." Carla DeRosa

“Eric Anderson is a genius when it comes to sales and marketing. His techniques are time tested. If you are serious you need to enroll in his seminar! Derek Ostovani
“Eric Anderson is a genius when it comes to sales and marketing. His techniques are time tested. If you are serious you need to enroll in his seminar! Derek Ostovani

“One of Eric's principles allowed me to immediately increase my income as a speaker from the stage.” Dorothy Andres
“One of Eric's principles allowed me to immediately increase my income as a speaker from the stage.” Dorothy Andres
Yes, Eric Please send me the Speaking For
Newbies Training Video And I Will Watch It ASAP!
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