I Want To Ethically Bribe You And Give You My Complete Paid Speaker Success System And Toolkit For Free! This Is The Same System that Others Have Invested $10,000.00 To Get Access To! Details Below!

Dear Friend,
If you want someone to blame don’t blame me blame my student. I ‘ll explain why in a moment.
Here is why you should read every single word of this this RIGHT NOW!
Speaking is the quickest and one of if not the most profitable way to make additional income and or build a business and offers many other benefits.
- Even if you are just starting out when you know what to do organizations will pay you $3000 - $5000 and MUCH MORE for a 45-60 minute speaking engagement. How many of those do you need a month to hit your goal?
- Because of companies like ZOOM you can now get paid to speak from the comfort of your home.
- Speaking allows you to pick up new clients quickly while you are getting paid to speak.
- Little to no overhead because your speech is the product so there is nothing to fulfill if you don’t want to go down that road.
- You can speak part time and still make a great income.
- You are seen as an instant expert when you are brought in as a speaker.
- Your time commitment is small. 45 – 90 minutes. Unless you decide to do a full day training.
- Keynote speaking allows you to get paid in advance
- You get paid for what you know
- Little to no stress.
- No need for you to be famous to get paid well.
- You can run your speaking business from anywhere.
- The list is much longer…
This is the reason I encourage YOU to get into speaking. GET READY because
I’m about to do EVERYTHING in my power to ensure that you succeed as a highly paid professional speaker as fast as humanly possible.
So, I’ve got the following offer to make you. Hold onto your hat because this is going to blow your mind.
There are 11 things I’d like to do for you today.
Here they are
There are 11 things I’d like to do for you today.
Here they are
#1 Uncovering your EPIC STORY that will have people magnetically attracted to you hoping you can appear at their events.
Years ago, my friend Beverly told me I should share my story about growing up in foster care. Honestly, I ignored her for a long time saying everyone has a story why is mine different.
Luckily, she kept at me about it telling me I would really be able to help people. I ignored her because I thought my story was not special and who would care.
People care about YOUR STORY because they want to learn from your experience to help them save 10 - 15 years years off making mistakes trying to figure everything out on their own.
I made the mistake of not telling my story and I do not want you to make the same mistake. So I will guide you through a process that will uncover your EPIC STORY.
People have told me they do not have a story and AFTER TALKING WITH THEM EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM came out on the other side blown away, they too had an epic story that people will pay them to share.
So, I’d like to give you an hour and fifteen minute training inside my program called Truth 2 Transformation Starts with Your Story – this will personally guide you in unlocking your EPIC story!
The actual value is $1000.00 and is yours Free today.
Keep reading because it gets better...
Luckily, she kept at me about it telling me I would really be able to help people. I ignored her because I thought my story was not special and who would care.
People care about YOUR STORY because they want to learn from your experience to help them save 10 - 15 years years off making mistakes trying to figure everything out on their own.
I made the mistake of not telling my story and I do not want you to make the same mistake. So I will guide you through a process that will uncover your EPIC STORY.
People have told me they do not have a story and AFTER TALKING WITH THEM EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM came out on the other side blown away, they too had an epic story that people will pay them to share.
So, I’d like to give you an hour and fifteen minute training inside my program called Truth 2 Transformation Starts with Your Story – this will personally guide you in unlocking your EPIC story!
The actual value is $1000.00 and is yours Free today.
Keep reading because it gets better...
#2 I want to show you how to Discover Your Best Audience.
One of the mistakes speakers make even speakers that have doing it for years is trying to be all things to all people.
I will show you how to uncover YOUR best audience. Your best audience will be different then my best audience and vice versa.
There is a particular why you have to align your story with the right audience to get the best results and have people excited to book your speech.
So, I’d like to give you a Special Training inside my program called Discover Your Best Audience – this will personally guide you in only working with audiences that will most connect with your message.
Nobody talks about this process and is one of the things that changed the game for me as a speaker.
The actual value is $797.00 and is yours Free today.
Keep reading because it gets better...
I will show you how to uncover YOUR best audience. Your best audience will be different then my best audience and vice versa.
There is a particular why you have to align your story with the right audience to get the best results and have people excited to book your speech.
So, I’d like to give you a Special Training inside my program called Discover Your Best Audience – this will personally guide you in only working with audiences that will most connect with your message.
Nobody talks about this process and is one of the things that changed the game for me as a speaker.
The actual value is $797.00 and is yours Free today.
Keep reading because it gets better...
#3 Creating Your Website Made Easy.
One of the first places meeting planners go is to your website. For many speakers this is a place of concern because they have no clue what should go on the site and how to put it together. So, what I will do for you is host your speakers page on one of my websites this way the people that will book your speech can find you easily.
This will have your information so they can reach out to you. Plus, I will provide you with a 1:10 minute video training on how to put together your own site when you are ready.
I will also include ALL the templates you can copy with your information instead of mine. If you can copy and paste you can put together a great website that will help you book paid speaking engagements for you.
I’m not a tech person at all and I can do this quickly and easily. More importantly it’s about what’s on your website that helps you get the results.
Either way I will host your speakers page on one of my sites or you can create your own site or both.
The actual value is $2000 and is yours Free today.
Keep reading because it gets better...
This will have your information so they can reach out to you. Plus, I will provide you with a 1:10 minute video training on how to put together your own site when you are ready.
I will also include ALL the templates you can copy with your information instead of mine. If you can copy and paste you can put together a great website that will help you book paid speaking engagements for you.
I’m not a tech person at all and I can do this quickly and easily. More importantly it’s about what’s on your website that helps you get the results.
Either way I will host your speakers page on one of my sites or you can create your own site or both.
The actual value is $2000 and is yours Free today.
Keep reading because it gets better...
#4 Creating Your Marketing Message
The difference between speakers that get paid to speak and the speakers that speak for free comes down to having a GREAT MARKETING MESSAGE.
Nobody knows how great your presentation is until AFTER they experience what you have to say. I learned this lesson the hard way and I don’t want you to make the same mistake.
I created speaker marketing system that puts you in the position of having clients chasing YOU and not the other way around and it starts with your marketing message.
When I first put all the pieces of the marketing puzzle together, I created a marketing message that produced $22,000.00 in speaking engagements from total strangers that NEVER heard of me before.
I sent them this common sense / simple piece of marketing and the phone started ringing quickly.
Matter of fact after deploying the campaign the first person to book me sent me $5000 ten days after I launched the campaign.
I call this the my $22,000.00 dollar marketing letter. By the way it’s a system and I have used slight variations of this campaign for YEARS with similar results each time I employ the process.
Not only am I going to give you the $22,000.00 letter for you to use as a template I’m going to give you a video training on the process too on how to put together one for yourself,
The actual value is $2000 and is yours Free today.
Keep reading because it gets better...
Nobody knows how great your presentation is until AFTER they experience what you have to say. I learned this lesson the hard way and I don’t want you to make the same mistake.
I created speaker marketing system that puts you in the position of having clients chasing YOU and not the other way around and it starts with your marketing message.
When I first put all the pieces of the marketing puzzle together, I created a marketing message that produced $22,000.00 in speaking engagements from total strangers that NEVER heard of me before.
I sent them this common sense / simple piece of marketing and the phone started ringing quickly.
Matter of fact after deploying the campaign the first person to book me sent me $5000 ten days after I launched the campaign.
I call this the my $22,000.00 dollar marketing letter. By the way it’s a system and I have used slight variations of this campaign for YEARS with similar results each time I employ the process.
Not only am I going to give you the $22,000.00 letter for you to use as a template I’m going to give you a video training on the process too on how to put together one for yourself,
The actual value is $2000 and is yours Free today.
Keep reading because it gets better...
#5 I'm going to show you how to access a GOLDMINE of potential clients that can book your speech.
One question I’m always asked is who do I contact to book my keynote speech?
It’s a great question and if you don’t have the answer, naturally you can’t book paid speaking engagements.
Problem Solved!
For the past 16 years I have used a NEARLY UNLIMITED FREE LEAD RESOURCE that virtually nobody in the business of paid speaking even knows exists.
You will have the ability to search and locate more people than you could possibly imagine.
By the way this is the exact same resource I used to book those $22,000.00 in speaking engagements.
At the time I paid money to use the resource. I will show you how to get it for FREE.
I have had students in my program call me up and say WOW I had no idea this was out there like this.
The actual value is $1000 and is yours Free today.
Keep reading because it gets better...
It’s a great question and if you don’t have the answer, naturally you can’t book paid speaking engagements.
Problem Solved!
For the past 16 years I have used a NEARLY UNLIMITED FREE LEAD RESOURCE that virtually nobody in the business of paid speaking even knows exists.
You will have the ability to search and locate more people than you could possibly imagine.
By the way this is the exact same resource I used to book those $22,000.00 in speaking engagements.
At the time I paid money to use the resource. I will show you how to get it for FREE.
I have had students in my program call me up and say WOW I had no idea this was out there like this.
The actual value is $1000 and is yours Free today.
Keep reading because it gets better...
#6 I'm going to show you exactly what to send to meeting planners that can book your keynote speech or training.
Most speakers have no idea what they should send to potential conference organizers to get booked. It's NOT A ONE SHEET either.
Problem solved!
I will give you templates you can use ASAP to get results. If you don’t know HOW to connect with potential clients how will they ever know about you great presentation.
The actual value of this forty three minute training $1000 and YEP is yours Free today.
Keep reading because it gets better.
Problem solved!
I will give you templates you can use ASAP to get results. If you don’t know HOW to connect with potential clients how will they ever know about you great presentation.
The actual value of this forty three minute training $1000 and YEP is yours Free today.
Keep reading because it gets better.
#7 How to Properly ask for your speaking fee AND Get It.
When you follow this process, you will never have to verbally mention your fee. Once this document is in place it makes it easy to ask for money / while helping you clarify your value to your soon to be clients.
This is a system to ask for any amount of money and have people make the investment in your speech. Matter of fact this is one of the major mistakes speakers make is not asking for he money properly.
Because of this they leave tons of money on the table. I once LOST a speaking engagement because I did not charge enough.
I don’t want this to happen to you so I will also discuss how to set your speaking fee and get it.
The actual value is $1500 and is yours Free today.
Yep it's going to get better keep reading...
This is a system to ask for any amount of money and have people make the investment in your speech. Matter of fact this is one of the major mistakes speakers make is not asking for he money properly.
Because of this they leave tons of money on the table. I once LOST a speaking engagement because I did not charge enough.
I don’t want this to happen to you so I will also discuss how to set your speaking fee and get it.
The actual value is $1500 and is yours Free today.
Yep it's going to get better keep reading...
#8 I will give you the exact contracts / agreement I use to closing the deal.
For a long time, I struggled on what agreement to send to clients. I have narrowed this down to a simple yet effective one page agreement that outlines ALL the important stuff without scaring people away.
You will never have to struggle the way I did trying to figure this out. Naturally you may want to have the agreement looked at by an attorney but this is EXACTLY what I use to secure the speaking engagement.
This is full blown video training includes actual templates you can model for your use. You will always get a deposit when you follow my process.
I also included a Special Bonus that will set you up to be prepaid your speaking way before the speech happens. I have had clients pay me over a year and a half in ADVANCE.
Your clients will do the same for you when you know what to do and you will discover all the details in this training.
The actual value is $1000 and is yours Free today.
Keep reading because it gets better...
You will never have to struggle the way I did trying to figure this out. Naturally you may want to have the agreement looked at by an attorney but this is EXACTLY what I use to secure the speaking engagement.
This is full blown video training includes actual templates you can model for your use. You will always get a deposit when you follow my process.
I also included a Special Bonus that will set you up to be prepaid your speaking way before the speech happens. I have had clients pay me over a year and a half in ADVANCE.
Your clients will do the same for you when you know what to do and you will discover all the details in this training.
The actual value is $1000 and is yours Free today.
Keep reading because it gets better...
#9 I will show you how to put together a POWERFUL presentation that your audiences will LOVE.
Many would be speakers never get out there and follow their dream of being a paid speaker because they do not know how to properly put together an effective presentation based on their personality.
The secret is to just be yourself BUT you still have to follow a proven system. I will give you my entire 1:04:06 training that walks you through how to properly structure to your keynote presentation for maximum results online or onstage!
In addition to the video training, I will include an info graphic that shows you exactly what to put were.
This way your talk has the right structure without you needing to be someone else. Just be who you are.
The actual value for this training is $1000.00 and is yours Free today.
Keep reading because it gets better...
The secret is to just be yourself BUT you still have to follow a proven system. I will give you my entire 1:04:06 training that walks you through how to properly structure to your keynote presentation for maximum results online or onstage!
In addition to the video training, I will include an info graphic that shows you exactly what to put were.
This way your talk has the right structure without you needing to be someone else. Just be who you are.
The actual value for this training is $1000.00 and is yours Free today.
Keep reading because it gets better...
#10 I'm going to show you how to finally finish that book you have been thinking about writing.

There is one more thing you need to succeed as a paid speaker and that my friend is a book. You can still get paid to speak without being an author BUT when you add your book to the equation and become an author this puts everything I mentioned above on steroids.
EVERYONE has a book inside of them and most people never finish their book because they do not know exactly what steps to take. I have seen organizations charge people $30,000.00 to complete a book for someone and it's worth because of what you being an author can do for you.
The truth is when you know exactly what to do and are guided through the process of getting your book published it's really simple.
Selling your book is the major challenge people don’t consider. A study showed that most authors never sell more than 250 copies of their book OVER THE ENTIRE LIFETIME of the book.
The vast majority of authors and speakers don’t sell their books not because their book is not good it’s because they just don’t know the simple steps they need to take.
Here is a solution -when you speak organizations will happily purchase hundreds of your books when you present it to them properly. I detail exactly how to make this happen inside the training.
EVERYONE has a book inside of them and most people never finish their book because they do not know exactly what steps to take. I have seen organizations charge people $30,000.00 to complete a book for someone and it's worth because of what you being an author can do for you.
The truth is when you know exactly what to do and are guided through the process of getting your book published it's really simple.
Selling your book is the major challenge people don’t consider. A study showed that most authors never sell more than 250 copies of their book OVER THE ENTIRE LIFETIME of the book.
The vast majority of authors and speakers don’t sell their books not because their book is not good it’s because they just don’t know the simple steps they need to take.
Here is a solution -when you speak organizations will happily purchase hundreds of your books when you present it to them properly. I detail exactly how to make this happen inside the training.
The first time I put this system into play a non-profit organization purchased 700 copies of my book BEFORE it was even finished. That was an extra $7000.00 in book sales not counting the speaking fee they gave to me. I've lost count of how many books I've sold following this process.
The books below are from students that followed the exact process I'm giving you in the training and finished their books quickly...
So here is what I’m going to do! I’m going to give you my entire training called How To Finish Your Book In Record Time!
The students on the training had to invest at least $1000.00 to be invited.
The actual value of the entire book training is $997.00 and I ‘m giving it to you for FREE!
The students on the training had to invest at least $1000.00 to be invited.
The actual value of the entire book training is $997.00 and I ‘m giving it to you for FREE!
Now before I tell you the 11th and final thing, I have for you today to ensure your success as a paid speaker lets quickly recap what you get today.
#1 Uncovering your EPIC STORY that will have people magnetically attracted to you hoping you can appear at their events. (Actual Value $1000.00)
#2 Show you how to Discover Your Best Audience. (Actual Value $797.00.00)
#3 Website Creation For Keynote Speaking. (Actual Value $2000.00)
#4 Creating Your Marketing Message (Actual Value $2000.00)
#5 DISCOVER A GOLDMINE of Potential Clients that Can Book Your Speech (Actual Value $1000.00)
#6 Contacting Clients That Can Book Your Keynote Speech (Actual Value $1000.00)
#7 How to Properly Ask for The Money AND Get It. (Actual Value $1500.00)
#8 Contracts agreements for Keynote Speaking / closing the deal. (Actual Value $1000.00)
#9 The Presentation Matrix Revealed (Actual Value $1000.00)
#10 Finish Your Book In Record Time (Actual Value $997.00)
#2 Show you how to Discover Your Best Audience. (Actual Value $797.00.00)
#3 Website Creation For Keynote Speaking. (Actual Value $2000.00)
#4 Creating Your Marketing Message (Actual Value $2000.00)
#5 DISCOVER A GOLDMINE of Potential Clients that Can Book Your Speech (Actual Value $1000.00)
#6 Contacting Clients That Can Book Your Keynote Speech (Actual Value $1000.00)
#7 How to Properly Ask for The Money AND Get It. (Actual Value $1500.00)
#8 Contracts agreements for Keynote Speaking / closing the deal. (Actual Value $1000.00)
#9 The Presentation Matrix Revealed (Actual Value $1000.00)
#10 Finish Your Book In Record Time (Actual Value $997.00)
That’s $12,297.00 worth of high-powered speaker trainings hosted inside a private membership site that you will have LIFETIME access too.
This includes all the fill in the blanks templates you can copy with your information instead of mine.
I think you would agree what I’m offering you here is a Speaking Business in a Box. You will finally have the ability to book your own high paying speaking engagements whenever you choose.
This is almost EVERYTHING you will need to succeed as a paid speaker. Were you paying attention, I said ALMOST everything you would need to succeed as a paid speaker?
This includes all the fill in the blanks templates you can copy with your information instead of mine.
I think you would agree what I’m offering you here is a Speaking Business in a Box. You will finally have the ability to book your own high paying speaking engagements whenever you choose.
This is almost EVERYTHING you will need to succeed as a paid speaker. Were you paying attention, I said ALMOST everything you would need to succeed as a paid speaker?
There is one final thing you will need to ensure that you succeed as a speaker and guess what that is?
This is possibly the most important step of them all is having accountability.
It’s far easier to get from point A to point B with a GPS. It can be a challenge to navigate a road you have not driven on before without a GPS because it’s easy to get lost.
So, the 11th and final thing I’m going to do to ensure your success as a speaker is personal accountability.
You and I will have a private one on one consulting session about building your speaking business. This private VIP experience is called…
It’s far easier to get from point A to point B with a GPS. It can be a challenge to navigate a road you have not driven on before without a GPS because it’s easy to get lost.
So, the 11th and final thing I’m going to do to ensure your success as a speaker is personal accountability.
You and I will have a private one on one consulting session about building your speaking business. This private VIP experience is called…
#11 Your 1 on 1 Paid Speaker Super Session!
Here’s how it works when you sign up for Your Private 1 on 1 Paid Speaker Super Session, here’s what will happen…
First – I will personally load your email into the private membership site where all your FREE GIFTS are waiting for you.
Second - I will send you an email letting you know you now have access to the all the FREE GIFTS I promised to you.
Third - The Private Membership site will send you an automated email asking you to set up your password.
Fourth – Sometimes emails get caught in SPAM filters or we just miss them altogether. So, I will personally pick up the phone and call you to welcome you to the best decision you have made when it comes to becoming a highly paid keynote speaker and sharing your message with the world. This call will last between 10 – 15 minutes. (Important) this is not your Super Session Consulting Call.
This Welcome Call is to make sure you are able to get inside the system. I’ll also walk you through all the FREE GIFTS I’m giving to you and how best to go through the program.
Fifth – Think of Your Private 1 on 1 Paid Speaker Super Session as an insurance policy. When you are ready to take advantage of it it’s there for you. You can set it up ASAP or wait to use it when you have gone through the FREE GIFTS inside the membership site. Don't feel like you have to rush because you have Lifetime Access to the program.
You will also receive a special email address so when you are ready to schedule your “Super Session” just send an email and you will then receive a link to my calendar with available dates and times. You choose the date and time that works with your schedule.
Sixth - You will receive some instructions on how to best prepare for Your Private 1 on 1 Paid Speaker Super Session.
Seventh - We lock it in and you are set to go.
First – I will personally load your email into the private membership site where all your FREE GIFTS are waiting for you.
Second - I will send you an email letting you know you now have access to the all the FREE GIFTS I promised to you.
Third - The Private Membership site will send you an automated email asking you to set up your password.
Fourth – Sometimes emails get caught in SPAM filters or we just miss them altogether. So, I will personally pick up the phone and call you to welcome you to the best decision you have made when it comes to becoming a highly paid keynote speaker and sharing your message with the world. This call will last between 10 – 15 minutes. (Important) this is not your Super Session Consulting Call.
This Welcome Call is to make sure you are able to get inside the system. I’ll also walk you through all the FREE GIFTS I’m giving to you and how best to go through the program.
Fifth – Think of Your Private 1 on 1 Paid Speaker Super Session as an insurance policy. When you are ready to take advantage of it it’s there for you. You can set it up ASAP or wait to use it when you have gone through the FREE GIFTS inside the membership site. Don't feel like you have to rush because you have Lifetime Access to the program.
You will also receive a special email address so when you are ready to schedule your “Super Session” just send an email and you will then receive a link to my calendar with available dates and times. You choose the date and time that works with your schedule.
Sixth - You will receive some instructions on how to best prepare for Your Private 1 on 1 Paid Speaker Super Session.
Seventh - We lock it in and you are set to go.
On the day of Your Private 1 on 1 Paid Speaker Super Session here is what will happen…
- I promise you 60 minutes and in some cases the calls have gone much longer than the promised time. These are done over ZOOM so we can share screens and I can send you links to additional information if needed.
- During your Super Session I will hold your hand and help you set up your personal road map to help you get from where you are to were you want to be as a highly paid speaker.
- Your Private 1 on 1 Paid Speaker Super Session will be recorded so you can refer to again and again. This will be like having your own private seminar with all the attention being YOU.
- Finally, I will check in on your progress with a personal email or a surprise phone call because I’m there for you to help you get the best results.
Naturally Your Private 1 on 1 Paid Speaker Super Session is not a service I can offer to you for free because it’s my time. Your time is the MOST VALUABLE thing on the planet because it can’t be replaced.
And I’m showing YOU HOW to get paid $3000 - $5000 to speak for 45 – 60 minutes of your time so this is a no brainer.
And I’m showing YOU HOW to get paid $3000 - $5000 to speak for 45 – 60 minutes of your time so this is a no brainer.
Don’t worry because you’ll be SHOCKED at the discount, I have for you today when you take advantage of Your Private 1 on 1 Paid Speaker Super Session!
Before I get to that lets recap EVERTHING I’m offering you here to ensure you become a highly paid speaker. Because this is truly a amazing opportunity that will not be repeated at the discount you are about to receive to have me personally hold your hand and walk you through the what you need to do right now to become a highly paid speaker.
Before I get to that lets recap EVERTHING I’m offering you here to ensure you become a highly paid speaker. Because this is truly a amazing opportunity that will not be repeated at the discount you are about to receive to have me personally hold your hand and walk you through the what you need to do right now to become a highly paid speaker.
#1 Uncovering your EPIC STORY that will have people magnetically attracted to you hoping you can appear at their events. (Actual Value $1000.00)
#2 Show you how to Discover Your Best Audience. (Actual Value $797.00.00)
#3 Website Creation For Keynote Speaking. (Actual Value $2000.00)
#4 Creating Your Marketing Message (Actual Value $2000.00)
#5 DISCOVER A GOLDMINE of Potential Clients that Can Book Your Speech (Actual Value $1000.00)
#6 Contacting Clients That Can Book Your Keynote Speech (Actual Value $1000.00)
#7 How to Properly Ask for The Money AND Get It. (Actual Value $1500.00)
#8 Contracts agreements for Keynote Speaking / closing the deal. (Actual Value $1000.00)
#9 The Presentation Matrix Revealed (Actual Value $1000.00)
#10 Finish Your Book In Record Time (Actual Value $1000.00)
#11 Your 1 on 1 Paid Speaker Super Session! (Actual Value $9500.00)
#2 Show you how to Discover Your Best Audience. (Actual Value $797.00.00)
#3 Website Creation For Keynote Speaking. (Actual Value $2000.00)
#4 Creating Your Marketing Message (Actual Value $2000.00)
#5 DISCOVER A GOLDMINE of Potential Clients that Can Book Your Speech (Actual Value $1000.00)
#6 Contacting Clients That Can Book Your Keynote Speech (Actual Value $1000.00)
#7 How to Properly Ask for The Money AND Get It. (Actual Value $1500.00)
#8 Contracts agreements for Keynote Speaking / closing the deal. (Actual Value $1000.00)
#9 The Presentation Matrix Revealed (Actual Value $1000.00)
#10 Finish Your Book In Record Time (Actual Value $1000.00)
#11 Your 1 on 1 Paid Speaker Super Session! (Actual Value $9500.00)
I’m not going to beat around the bush, I’m able to give you an incredible discount off the $9500.00 investment in Your Private 1 on 1 Paid Speaker Super Session! For two reasons…
Reason #1 - You are part of my Eric’s Escapades Daily Reality Show and you came into my world because you have an interest in becoming a highly paid speaker. Or perhaps you saw me speak at an event or maybe someone referred you me. Either way right now this is a SPECIAL just for you because you receive Eric’s Escapades. If you have been in my world for a while, you know I rarely make offers so this is Special.
Reason #2 - I was on a coaching call with a student and I was talking with him about raising his fees. As we concluded our call, he then flipped it on me and said…
“Eric, you need to raise the investment for what you offer because what you offer is WAY too valuable.”
I told him he was right!
So, this is my way to give you the Paid Keynote Speaker Blueprint before I increase the investment in my paid speaker blueprint.
I’m willing to GIVE you everything others have invested in for free when you take advantage of Your Private 1 on 1 Paid Speaker Super Session!
The actual value in what I offer far exceeds the investment because once you know what to do it’s just a matter of rinse and repeat as many times as you choose to do it.
Because you receive Eric’s Escapades and I’m about to increase the investment in what I offer you will not have to invest $9500 for Your Private 1 on 1 Paid Speaker Super Session!
You will not have to invest $8500
You will not invest $7500
You will not invest $6500
Reason #1 - You are part of my Eric’s Escapades Daily Reality Show and you came into my world because you have an interest in becoming a highly paid speaker. Or perhaps you saw me speak at an event or maybe someone referred you me. Either way right now this is a SPECIAL just for you because you receive Eric’s Escapades. If you have been in my world for a while, you know I rarely make offers so this is Special.
Reason #2 - I was on a coaching call with a student and I was talking with him about raising his fees. As we concluded our call, he then flipped it on me and said…
“Eric, you need to raise the investment for what you offer because what you offer is WAY too valuable.”
I told him he was right!
So, this is my way to give you the Paid Keynote Speaker Blueprint before I increase the investment in my paid speaker blueprint.
I’m willing to GIVE you everything others have invested in for free when you take advantage of Your Private 1 on 1 Paid Speaker Super Session!
The actual value in what I offer far exceeds the investment because once you know what to do it’s just a matter of rinse and repeat as many times as you choose to do it.
Because you receive Eric’s Escapades and I’m about to increase the investment in what I offer you will not have to invest $9500 for Your Private 1 on 1 Paid Speaker Super Session!
You will not have to invest $8500
You will not invest $7500
You will not invest $6500
As crazy as it seems you can get
EVERTYHING I mentioned earlier
- Uncovering your EPIC STORY that will have people magnetically attracted to you hoping you can appear at their events.
- Show you how to Discover Your Best Audience.
- Website Creation For Keynote Speaking.
- Creating Your Marketing Message
- DISCOVER A GOLDMINE of Potential Clients that Can Book Your Speech
- Contacting Clients That Can Book Your Keynote Speech
- How to Properly Ask for The Money AND Get It.
- Contracts agreements for Keynote Speaking / closing the deal.
- The Presentation Matrix Revealed
- Finish Your Book In Record Time
- And Your 1 on 1 Paid Speaker Super Session!
As a reminder EVERTHING mentioned has an actual value of $21,797.00. Keep in mind the Real-World value far exceeds this because you can rinse and repeat the process anytime you want.
With your discount your total investment today is only $997.00. To get started go ahead and click the button below right now because this is truly a one-time special opportunity.
I’m sure you have not seen anything like this before because I’m moving mountains to ensure your success as a speaker.
Plus, to remove all risk right now when you take advantage of Your Private 1 on 1 Paid Speaker Super Session!
Here is my Nothing Up My Sleeve
Ensure Your Success Guarantee
"Take advantage of Your Private 1 on 1 Paid Speaker Super Session! And follow The Complete Paid Speaker Success System & Toolkit as it’s outlined for a full year and if you have not made back at least five times your investment, contact me and show me that you implemented the entire proven processes and I will return the investment for you Private Super Session and I’ll give you an additional $500 as my way of saying thanks for trying.
My only request is you implement the entire proven process. That’s as fair as I can be."
My only request is you implement the entire proven process. That’s as fair as I can be."
So, get started by clicking the button below right now and here is what will happen next.
So, what are you waiting for because this is the greatest opportunity for you to go from where you are right now to being a highly paid speaker?
Let’s get busy helping you get your message to an audience that will happily pay you for your message.
Click the button below to get started right now.
- You will be taken to a page to process your information.
- You will also be given the option to take care of the $997.00 investment in a single investment or break it up evenly over three months it’s your choice.
- Then I will receive a communication from my system letting me know you have enrolled.
- I will personally load your email into the private membership site where all your FREE GIFTS are waiting for you.
- I will send you an email letting you know you now have access to the FREE GIFTS.
- The membership site will send you an automated email and asking you to set up your password.
- From there everything else will happen I mentioned earlier.
So, what are you waiting for because this is the greatest opportunity for you to go from where you are right now to being a highly paid speaker?
Let’s get busy helping you get your message to an audience that will happily pay you for your message.
Click the button below to get started right now.
In Closing Let Me Say Two More Things.
During the pandemic millions of people lost their jobs and businesses were closing left and right people eyes opened to the fact that they MUST having something else in the mix that brings in a reliable source of income.
Organizations moved their events online and a new opportunities for getting paid to speak was created.
During the height of the pandemic here is what happened to Andrieka Austin when she applied what I taught her to do…
"On my very first virtual speech sitting in front of my laptop in just under two hours I made $3579.00 and picked up 4 new clients. I’m so excited to see where this new skill takes me." Andrieka Austin
The last update I got from Andrieka is she had made an extra $27,000.00 in six months speaking from the comfort of her home during the pandemic. By the way most of the $27,000 was passive income.
Organizations moved their events online and a new opportunities for getting paid to speak was created.
During the height of the pandemic here is what happened to Andrieka Austin when she applied what I taught her to do…
"On my very first virtual speech sitting in front of my laptop in just under two hours I made $3579.00 and picked up 4 new clients. I’m so excited to see where this new skill takes me." Andrieka Austin
The last update I got from Andrieka is she had made an extra $27,000.00 in six months speaking from the comfort of her home during the pandemic. By the way most of the $27,000 was passive income.
In my opinion speaking is one of the easiest and highest paying ways to add more money to what you do because your presentation is the product.
You’ve already LIVED the experience you just have to put it into a presentation and get paid for it.
It would be crazy for you to miss this opportunity so click the button below and take advantage of this one-time opportunity and sign up for Your Private 1 on 1 Paid Speaker Super Session!
And finally, this is a limited opportunity because when this ends this will be your only chance to take advantage of your Super Session at such a deep discount AND get my entire speaking course for FREE.
As I said I’m increasing the investment in my speaker course and removing some of the special bonus inside the program.
It may go up but it’s not coming down and because you received Eric’s Escapades, I don’t want you to miss out because when this offer ends you may not hear about it again so click the button below right now and take advantage of your opportunity.
There are highly paid speakers around the world getting paid very well to share what they know with an audience, the only questions is will you be one of them.
You have an epic story and experience that will help other people save years of trial and error trying to figure out all the pieces to the puzzle.
Stop looking out the window watching others play the game click the button and start the journey to helping people with your story and message.
Get started now!
It would be crazy for you to miss this opportunity so click the button below and take advantage of this one-time opportunity and sign up for Your Private 1 on 1 Paid Speaker Super Session!
And finally, this is a limited opportunity because when this ends this will be your only chance to take advantage of your Super Session at such a deep discount AND get my entire speaking course for FREE.
As I said I’m increasing the investment in my speaker course and removing some of the special bonus inside the program.
It may go up but it’s not coming down and because you received Eric’s Escapades, I don’t want you to miss out because when this offer ends you may not hear about it again so click the button below right now and take advantage of your opportunity.
There are highly paid speakers around the world getting paid very well to share what they know with an audience, the only questions is will you be one of them.
You have an epic story and experience that will help other people save years of trial and error trying to figure out all the pieces to the puzzle.
Stop looking out the window watching others play the game click the button and start the journey to helping people with your story and message.
Get started now!
Giving You Something That's Amazing
P.S. This opportunity is FOR YOU because you receive Eric's Escapades. Please DO NOT share this page with anyone else. Thank you!
P.P.S. Here is another promise this opportunity will VANISH in a few days.
P.P.S. Here is another promise this opportunity will VANISH in a few days.