One of my coaching clients is frustrated because his students are doing deals behind his back to cut him out of the process. He understands it will happen but still finds it annoying.
This brings me the concept of abundance. Almost always when people act, the way his students are acting it’s because they have the belief of limited opportunity. Naturally there are places on the planet where opportunity is very different. There are tons of opportunity out there for you in most cases you MUST put yourself in the path of that opportunity, and the fastest way to do that is to continue marketing yourself. Do more marketing! Have an Amazing Day and thank you for attending another episode of Eric’s Escapades. Be Amazing! Sincerely, Eric Anderson P.S. Enjoy your weekend
Next week my children will venture into the world of standardized testing for the third grade.
There has been a bit of stress and nervousness from the kids about passing the test. I believe they will do just fine. Anyway, yesterday the school sends home a secret project. They asked that you write words of encouragement for your child and just before the testing begins they will present your note to your kid to give them additional support. I thought this was a great idea and a nice surprise for the kids. Which is exactly why I’m bringing it up. Your clients and soon to be clients like hand written notes saying thank you etc. Yeah, I know it’s easier to send an email BUT does not have the same impact. Yeah, I know its old school which is EXCTLY why it works so well. Look at what everyone else IS NOT DOING and add that to your arsenal. The vast majority of people are NOT DOING THIS which is exactly why you should do it ASAP. Have an Amazing Day and thank you for attending another episode of Eric’s Escapades. Be Amazing! Sincerely, Eric “Yeah I Know” Anderson P.S. Have multiple things working together BUT stat with what is easiest for your to do first. I witnessed a great bit of marketing and sales in an interesting situation yesterday.
I went to Piccadilly to get some food. After I grabbed my plate I sat down to enjoy my dinner and I notice a lady leaving the restaurant when all of a sudden you hear a voice from afar saying - your next dinner is on me. The lady stops and a guy walks over and introduces himself they exchange numbers and who knows when that dinner will take place, I laughed to myself and said that’s marketing and sales. The Breakdown - He grabbed her attention with an interesting headline - “Your next dinner is on me” Next, he approaches and says enough to keep her interest. He leaves her with his contact information to call if she is interested (no pressure) And who knows what will happen next but he did all he can do for now. I also thought it was interesting he did not care what other people thought in the restaurant because she could have turned him down in front of everyone and he would risk so called embarrassment instead he took action. Just like business not everything will work perfectly but put your best effort out there and results will soon follow. Have an Amazing Day and thank you for attending another episode of Eric’s Escapades. Be Amazing! Sincerely, Eric “I see marketing” Anderson P.S. Just in case you’re not familiar with Piccadilly it’s a cafeteria style restaurant. P.S. I honestly thought it was illegal not to have a traditional job. I wish I could say I was joking. I trust h=you had a great weekend, not much happening for except getting kids ready for school after spring break.
Anyway I did I shared this story with a couple of friends this weekend and they laughed at me. I explained how I was tired of being laid off from the job I was working and said screw this I’m just gonna step out on my own and do my own thing. Here is what happened. I was already making money following my passions but it was not enough to sustain me at the time so the first I did was the math! I asked myself how much more will I need to make if I decide not to return to the job unloading Naval ships. Once I knew that number I looked at what was working and I simply did more of that. It was by no means elegant it was basic math and the need to eat. What was interesting I bought myself more time and I should have put that additional time into my business BUT that is not what I did, what I did was play more basketball and hang out. Here is what I told my friends that caused them to laugh at me- I said “I actually thought it was against the law NOT TO HAVE A JOB.” My bills were paid I had a couple of dollars in my pocket AND I was playing basketball at the park for most of the day, what could be better and this was before I knew anything about sales or marketing I just knew I was sick and tired of being treated badly at work. Take what is already working and JUST DO MORE OF THAT. You can finesse it later and clean it up but at least start doing more of what is already working and get in the game. Have an Amazing Day and thank you for attending another episode of Eric’s Escapades. Be Amazing! Sincerely, Eric “Just get in the game” Anderson P.S. This Thursday at 7:00pm est I’m hosting my marketing webcast for magicians. I would love to have you join me click the link below to join the live webcast this Thursday. P.S. I honestly thought it was illegal not to have a traditional job. I wish I could say I was joking. I’m securing a hotel meeting room for a live event I’m hosting later this year and the sales manager gives me the quote for the meeting space and instantly says is that in your budget.
I said I was thinking half of that she responds not a problem. Here is the problem she was negotiating with herself she should have waited for me to respond before she made her next statement. The truth is she responded so quickly I know there is still room in the deal to negotiate further BUT it’s more than fair price right now. I bring this up because I remember doing the exact same thing when talking with clients about my fees. I would negotiate with myself because I was desperate for the work. I assumed the lowest price would guarantee me the work AND THEN I HAD MY WORLD ROCKED. I had a client turn me down because I was not charging enough - she questioned how good can you be if you are charging so little. Whoops! That was a game changer in my mindset. NEVER assume what someone can or cannot afford you would be surprised what people will invest. Also NEVER negotiate with yourself. Enjoy your weekend. Have an Amazing Day and thank you for attending another episode of Eric’s Escapades. Be Amazing! Sincerely, Eric “World Rocked” Anderson P.S. One of my favorite quotes for Stewart Wilde went something like this “Never make your economy everybody’s else’s economy.” I was surprised not to here for a particular soon to be client after they received the information I promised I would send to them.
Well the client reaches out to me a week later which was yesterday and says Eric we are still waiting to receive the email you said you would send. I receive this message on my phone and I pull out the string of emails and sure enough my attachment is part of the series of emails. I reach out to my soon to be client and mention this to him in a message and he calls back to let me know he did not receive the email and checked again while I had him on the phone. Nada! He mentions the attachment was most likely BLOCKED because he is with a government agency. I mentioned I would resend the email and asked for an additional email address to send it to just in case. Problem solved! What’s the morale to this story NEVER ASSUME people have received your information ALWAYS follow up with a phone call just in case. There more groups then you would imagine that can not review your website information at work because of restrictions. This why I will continue to use Hardcopy materials to help get the job done. Bust out those “old” brochures and put them to work. Have an Amazing Day and thank you for attending another episode of Eric’s Escapades. Be Amazing! Sincerely, Eric “What’s old is new again” Anderson P.S. One of my secret marketing weapons is Physical hardcopy marketing materials. Works like crazy! I moved to Atlanta in April of 1993. A couple months later I experienced Freaknik. What is Freaknik you ask? It depends who you ask.
It was billed as a block party. But it turned into a block party of epic proportions, to the point the city of Atlanta had to SHUT IT DOWN. I’m bringing this up because now they are talking about bringing Freaknik back. What! Atlanta is going crazy just at the thought of Freaknik happening, again. Depending who you ask some want it others do not. The reason I’m bringing this up is Freaknik was around before the internet as we know it today, before social media and was a driven with primarily WORD OF MOUTH MARKETING. People drove, in and flew in from all parts of the county and even other parts of the world to experience this event. My second year in Atlanta I was performing at the Vixen one of the most popular night clubs in the city. When Freaknik came around the second year I was in the city It was equally just as crazy! Not sure what the city is going to do. Just the thought of Freaknik coming back to Atlanta is drumming up interesting conversations. Again, my point is do not underestimate the power of Word of mouth marketing. Even today often times people hear about something from a friend and then go to the internet / social media to get more details. Word of mouth is POWERFUL! In the same breath it can destroy you if all your ducks are not lined up properly. You can get so big they shut you down or perhaps you can draw unwanted attention to yourself. The way to use word of mouth marketing is to be so good at what you do people can’t help but talk about you in the positive. Have an Amazing Day and thank you for attending another episode of Eric’s Escapades. Be Amazing! Yesterday before heading to camp for spring break, my daughter cuts her finger using some scissors.
In a panic she runs to her room holding her hand and crying. It was her brother that let us know something happened. She is fine not a big deal but she was a bit embarrassed about what happened. To make her feel better I told her a story about the time I cut my finger while doing a rope trick during a street show. I missed the rope and cut my finger. Here is what was cool, there was a time delay before I started to bleed. I hold my hand up to the audience and very dramatically say- “Ladies and Gentleman I am about to Bleed” On cue my hand starts pouring blood. Some people in the audience must have thought it was part of the show and started to applaud. Me telling this story made my daughter feel better because it proves we all make mistakes and gave her a good laugh to the point she asks for me to tell the story a number of times each time laughing like she heard it for the first time. Here was the problem after I cut myself, I did not have a way to get out of it I had to leave and get some paper towels and wrap my finger put some pressure on the wound and wait for it to stop before I continued my street shows. One business / life lesson is to do your best to have an “out’ aka back up plan for as many situations as you can think of and then grab some friends see what they might come up with and the create an out for those situations as well. This really helps take the pressure off of you knowing you are somewhat prepared and can foresee a situation to a degree. Not perfect but better then be taken completely by surprise. Hope this helps it has helped me a deal with some really tough situations. Have an Amazing Day and thank you for attending another episode of Eric’s Escapades. Be Amazing! Sincerely, Eric “Make it look like that’s what you meant to do” Anderson P.S. After I cut my self the first time, I had a similar situation happen on stage. This time I cut myself on the top of a soda can. My solution – I reached into my bag grabbed the duct tape tightly wrapped the wound and continued, not pretty but it helped me get though the presentation. Yesterday, during Lunch With Eric, my twice-monthly question and answer session about the speaking business, I shared something that I thought I would also share in this episode.
First, the back story: I was in my car and heard a radio ad about a speaker offering his team-building services over the radio. The testimonial was from the head of the radio station. After hearing this, I thought they most likely traded services, meaning he conducted the team-building workshop for the radio station, and they ran his ad over the air. Naturally, I don’t know this for sure, but I would be surprised if there wasn’t some sort of trade of services involved in the deal. Here’s why I bring this up: I have traded services with all sorts of companies over the years, and it’s a great opportunity to get access to things you would pay for anyway. You can do this in any business, and there are all sorts of cool ways to work these deals. If they have a need for your services and you need or want what’s being offered in barter, it’s likely a good deal you can make happen. One of my favorites was trading my services in exchange for round-trip airline certificates to travel wherever they go. I can’t remember how many I had, but I know I was giving them away at one point. It’s a pretty cool way to get paid for speaking. These types of deals are another way to get paid. Thank you for attending another episode of Eric's Escapades! Eric "Lots of ways to go get it" Anderson P.S. I have a mentor who used this same concept to trade for stock in the company! I’m rushing out this morning because my kids are being inducted into the Honor Society for their school. They like to say they are building up their resumes.
I thought it the perfect moment to talk about awards / credentials. If you have an award / credential you want to explain it in a way that someone outside of your industry would understand it’s merits. For example, I was given a Presidential Citation from the Society of American Magicians. While it sounds kind of cool the truth is the VAST MAJORITY people outside of that of that industry it means nothing until I add this statement. It would be the same as receiving a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Oscars. See how I did that I equated it to something more people have heard about. Lots of people like to showcase their alphabet soup after their name but they miss explaining to people its importance. Less is more pick one or two and use them in your introduction’s websites etc. People get the idea. Here is the absolute truth can you produce the result you promise that’s the credential people care about. What if you don’t have any awards? Here a novel idea, create your own. How do you think all these awards got started? Think about it for a second. Anyway, I’m off to take some pictures of the kids and their resume building ceremony. LOL Thank you for attending another episode of Eric’s Escapades. Have an Amazing Day! Sincerely, Eric “ABC“ Anderson P.S. Awards and credentials are nice to have but the marketplace wants the result. When I was a kid hanging out in the park a man taught me how to shoot a basketball. The big thing I remember is he told me shooting the ball is like a machine. Once you have the fundamentals down you want to do the same thing every single time and you will improve your chances of making a shot. I have always remembered that lesson.
I feel blessed to be able to pass along the same type of information to people around the world. Today I want to congratulate Andrieka J. Austin. This past weekend she spoke on her first webinar / virtual event and HIT IT OUT OF THE PARK. I walked her through the process and she took massive action made it happen and had a home run. She now has a skill set that allows her to produce speaking engagements out of thin air while getting paid in the process. Here is the big takeaway. While talking Andrieka J. Austin through the process I quickly noticed she rarely questioned what I was telling her to do instead she just did it. Yes, she’s made money I just don’t want to put any numbers out there because I have not talked with her yet. Anyway, give her a virtual HIGH FIVE! I want you to be next. Thank you for attending another episode of Eric’s Escapades. Have an Amazing Day! Sincerely, Eric “The Machine” Anderson P.S. Remember on November 21 & 22 I’m hosting my two-day virtual event Speaking For Newbies - How To Get Paid To Speak At Virtual and In Person Conferences. If you wanted to attend or want a refresher here is the link to grab your FREE SEAT! Yesterday, we talked about how important it is to protect your hard work and make sure you get paid for it.
Today, I want to talk about how this applies to working with people who help you get speaking jobs, like speaking bureaus and agents. Sometimes, these people don't want you to give out your contact information at events because they want to make sure they get paid for future jobs with you. But don't worry, there's a solution that makes everyone happy! Here is what you do. Create a website that these people will like, but that also shows how great you are at speaking. On the website, you can say that if someone wants to book you, they should contact the person who sent them to the website. This way, the speaking bureaus and agents will feel good about sending people to your website, and you'll still get more speaking jobs. You can still have your own website with your contact information on it, but when you're working with a speaking bureau or agent, you should give them the special website address. This will make them happy and help you get more speaking gigs. Another thing you can do is print business cards with your name, picture, and information about the bureau or agent you're working with. Then, if someone wants your information at an event, you can give them a card. This will help them remember your name and make it easier for the bureau or agent to follow up with them. Don't underestimate how important business cards still are! They're still used a lot in the, and they will help you get more speaking gigs. Thanks for listening to another episode of Eric's Escapades. I hope you have a Amazing Day! Best regards, Eric “Dropping Gems” Anderson P.S. Why risk losing business with a speaking bureau by trying to secretly pass out your information. Do this instead and they win and you win. ![]() The countdown has begun for Super Bowl WEEK happening in Las Vegas. I've had the chance to work at major events directly connected to the Super Bowl a couple of times, which gave me the opportunity to hang out with some very famous people. In a couple of cases, these celebrities thought I was one of them, like a world-class athlete. LOL! Trust me; I'm not bragging; this is just my way of saying this . . . All that stuff is very cool, but what I love even more is showing people like you how to create their own Super Bowl experience. For some, that might mean getting featured on TV talking about what they do. For others, it could be getting treated like a celebrity when they show up for a speaking engagement. And for some, it's the excitement of becoming a published author or the feeling it gives you when someone says, "You changed my life; thank you." Naturally, getting paid to do all of this is the icing on the cake. In the game of life, we're often taught to celebrate other people. But where do you think the word "celebrities" comes from? I say, let's celebrate YOU. That's why I love helping people figure out this part of their life. You can do it as large or as small as you want. For me, the quest to follow my passions started very young, but it wasn't until I discovered direct response marketing that I realized I had found the secret sauce I was looking for. Here are the fundamentals: 1. There must always be an offer. 2. There must be a reason to respond right now. 3. You must give clear instructions. 4. There must be tracking, measurement, and accountability. 5. There must only be no-cost brand building. 6. There must be follow-up. 7. There must be strong copy. 8. It must look like mail-order advertising. 9. Results rule. Period. 10. You must be a tough-minded disciplinarian and put your business on a strict direct marketing diet. These Fundamentals come from one of my mentors, Dan Kennedy's book "No BS Direct Marketing." All I did was apply them to booking speaking engagements. On today's Lunch Hour with Eric, I will discuss these fundamentals and how to apply them to creating your own opportunities or getting booked to speak. Doing so will allow you to experience the countdown to YOUR Super Bowl Experience. Here is the link to join in and get your questions answered today at NOON Eastern Standard Time: Thank you for attending another episode of Eric's Escapades! Eric "Show you how to become the MVP of your life" Anderson P.S. Once again, here is the link to join live. Come get your questions answered about getting paid to speak and everything else that comes with it: [ Theres a great principle in the art of magic called the one ahead principle. I won’t go into details but I will say its used like chess in thinking 3 – 5 moves ahead of the current situation. One thing I learned a while back is if a principle will work in one area it will work in another area too. I have applied the one ahead principle to lots of areas of life.
For example, when I write Eric’s Escapades I mostly do it the day before and then it goes out the next day. Well, this episode is late because yesterday I was locked in in completing a task and never got around to doing the episode the day before. A little game I love to play is seeing how far I can get ahead in certain situations in life using the one ahead principle. Here is what you should do sit down and come up with a list of ways you can use this idea. Also, you can get as far ahead of a situation as you like. Lots of cool ways you can use this principle. Thank you for attending another episode of Eric's Escapades! Eric "Sharing what’s worked for me" Anderson P.S. Have an Amazing Friday and enjoy your weekend! A great magician by the name of Tim Conover told me he was always on the look out for illusions in everyday life. This where things that naturally occur that end up not being what they appear to be.
For example, the other day I’m driving and the traffic was a bit backed up because of a fender binder. I thought wow does not look that bad but the airbag deployed so let me pull over and see if they are ok. As I get out of the car, I realize it was not the airbag but the women driving was leaning forward and wearing a hair bonnet and this created the illusion of a deployed airbag from a short distance. The people were fine. One day I’m walking down the street and a guy comes up and asks me for a cigarette I politely tell him I don’t smoke and he starts cussing me out saying you don’t have to lie I can see the cigarettes in your pocket. With a look of confusion, I reach into my breast pocket and pull out a deck of playing cards. He never saw cigarettes he saw the impression of the cards which created a perfect illusion of a pack of cigarettes. He walked off angry and never even apologized. LOL I bring this up because sometimes things are not, what they seem to be and recently I’ve had a number of conversations with people about Social Media and how jealous other people can get with people posting all the fantastic stuff they are doing. Sometimes it’s the absolute truth and other times it’s an illusion and not what it appears to be. Always remember the internet allows people to create perfect illusions. Thank for attending another episode of Eric’s Escapades. Have an Amazing Day! Eric “The Idiot” Anderson P.S. Enjoy your weekend! P.P.S. Check this out because this is not an illusion its real and its happening soon. ![]() While I was in high school, a new kid from New York joined our school and started rapping. We were all blown away by how great he was—until a few months later when LL Cool J's album made its way to the West Coast. Whoops! On top of it all, he claimed he had created the songs. We live in an interesting world where, although not everyone, many people want to showcase their intelligence by repeating information. It's not a big deal, but some of these folks act as if they originated all this information. When speaking to an audience, letting people know the source of the information you are sharing is very powerful. Another way to do this is to simply say, "I learned this from one of my mentors." If what you are sharing is original, that's fantastic—say that. Here is what this does: for an audience listening to you, it makes what you are saying more credible. And here's the big one—it makes you, the speaker, more relatable because you are not perceived as a super genius creating all this smart stuff. If an audience believes you have special gifts, that’s great for you, but it can become an objection for them. It might explain why you can do it and they can't, and then they tune you out. Here’s an example: I’ve heard numerous people say Gayle King is in the position she’s in because she’s Oprah’s best friend. It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not; if people think it’s true, then it's true. Just letting your audience know that you learned this by reading a book or from someone you know will elevate your presentations to a new level. By the way, I learned this from two separate mentors. Thank you for attending another episode of Eric's Escapades! Eric “It’s not all me” Anderson P.S. You don’t have to go into extreme detail; just a casual mention is fine. When I first started selling myself to get work, I invested in a program on a cassette tape that cost about ten dollars, and I followed the script word for word. Before I knew it, I was in business, and that cassette paid for itself in untold amounts of income and helped me launch a business.
Here is the BIG Lesson I learned: when you follow a proven script or template, it saves you stress, time, energy, and money. Yesterday, I received a message from Dollnita who followed my Rapid Publicity Email to get the attention of the media and booked a television interview. This happened for her in less than 24 hours. Results don't need to take long; you just need to know what to do. Make sure you check Friday's episode because I'll announce a special training, I'm hosting next week that will show you what to do. Let's have a round of applause for Dollnita for taking action. In a future episode, I'll share some more of the results that she has achieved. Thanks for attending another episode of Eric's Escapades. Eric "I've done the homework for you" Anderson P.S. Don't reinvent the wheel. Earlier this week I produced an episode about Deion Sanders aka Coach Prime.
Today I want to point out something he is doing that is right in our faces but easy to overlook and that is making a BIG CLAIM! He is “CREATING” opportunities because his claim is so big. His Big claim is simple I’m going to make you GREAT! While talking with a friend about the situation my friend mentioned Deion Sanders has so much confidence about what he’s doing how can he have that much confidence. Interesting enough I’ve had people I mentor say nearly word for word the same thing to me. “Eric how can you have so much confidence that this is going to work for me.” My answer is I’m not guessing I’m simply teaching you what I’ve already done successfully countless times. I’m not special and if it will work for me and all the other people, I’ve shared the system with it will work for you too. I can’t speak for Coach Prime but I’m positive he is following a proven process. His confidence comes from he is only teaching others what he has already done successfully. Have an Amazing Day and thank you for attending another episode of Eric’s Escapades. Be Amazing! Sincerely, Eric Anderson P.S. During my upcoming event I reveal how to make YOUR BIG CLAIM and then deliver on your promise through the power of speaking. If you have not done so already sign up to attend my LIVE event Speaking For Newbies because it’s happening . Get all the details here. Get Ready! P.P.S Before you get to deep into your weekend go check this out now. Hello
I trust the New Year is treating you well. I have not sent an episode of Eric’s Escapades to your inbox in few weeks because I took a quick break. With that said here is the problem with taking a break is you LOSE momentum. Heck last year I took a break from the gym and I’m still trying to get back on track. In the world of business guess what else you also lose when you take a break from contacting your clients is future business. Studies have proven for every month you don’t stay in contact with your clients / potential clients you lose about 10 percent of your business, which is why staying in contact with people is so IMPORTANT. If you want to help, make your 2023 AMAZING here is what you should do ASAP. Sign up to attend my LIVE event Speaking For Newbies because it’s an absolute game changer. I promise what you will discover during the event will help you build momentum. My goal in 2023 is to help people get to the money quickly. I’m not playing around in 2023. Strap on and let me take you for an amazing ride. Thank you for attending another episode of Eric’s Escapades. Have an Amazing Day! Sincerely, Eric “Not Playing Around in 2023” Anderson P.S. I suggest you take advantage of this opportunity. Hello,
A couple f days ago I’m in the donut shop to geta couple of donuts and as I walk in there are two people in front of me and one gentleman is “attempting” to place his order for three dozen donuts but the it was early in the morning so the owns did not have all the donuts on the racks yet even though the man attempting to place his order knew exactly what he wanted and the owner confirmed they had all the donuts but they just have not put them all out yet anyway the man kept trying to place his order but kept getting confused because he needed to visually see each donut and her putting the donuts going into the box. The guy directly in front of me was getting very frustrated eventually the order was placed. Anyway, this is a perfect example when you are putting your speech together you need to take into account that different people process the world differently.
Obviously, there are lots of ways to do all of this but that simple framework will get you going and improve your talks tremendously because more people are engaged based on how they primally process the world. Try this out it because it works wonders. Thank you for attending another episode of Eric's Escapades! Eric "The Donut King" Anderson P.S. Oh before I forget one of the secrets of using PowerPoint Properly is to use more pictures then words. I hope you had the opportunity to enjoy Christmas. I had a great time hanging out with my kids.
Obviously, not everyone celebrates Christmas, but here's a significant takeaway from one of the main aspects of December 25th that you can apply to your speaking business. I'm sure you're wondering, "Eric, what are you talking about?" Well, I'm referring to the art of giving gifts. Today, one of the items on my schedule is to send out some thank-you cards and gifts to clients who gave me the opportunity to present to their groups in the last few weeks. Don't underestimate the power and opportunity in doing this because it's a thoughtful gesture, and very few speakers ever take the time to do this for their clients. By doing so, you'll stand out in a big way. The gifts can be simple or more elaborate, but it's the thought that counts. A thank-you card can go a long way! Have an amazing day, and thank you for attending another episode of Eric's Escapades. Be Amazing! Sincerely, Eric "Gifts, Gratitude, Stand Out!" Anderson P.S. How important is the idea of saying thank you by giving a gift to a client who has brought you in to speak? Well, let me share how I learned this lesson the hard way. A client who had hired me for several very well received events called me up to express his displeasure because I hadn't said thank you. Interestingly, I never received another call from this person. Let me tell you a little story.
Back in 2004, I remember tuning in to a local radio show where the host was talking about money and his ideas on what makes a "real man". I couldn't help but laugh at some of his comments and secretly hoped he wouldn't lose his radio gig. Fast forward a few years later and his contract wasn't renewed, and it turns out he was struggling with personal and financial issues. It's funny how the very conversation he had about being a "real man" came back to bite him in the end. This got me thinking that no matter who we are or how famous we might be, we all face challenges in life. Monetizing fame can be especially tricky, but one way to do it is by using media and publicity to your advantage. Speaking of which, I had the chance to interview Radio Personality Chandra Whitfield on the power of publicity, and I think you might find it interesting. Check it out by clicking the link below: Thanks for listening to another episode of Eric's Escapades. I hope you have a Amazing Day! Best regards, Eric “Humility Goes A Long Way” Anderson P.S. Chandra is the REAL DEAL and has been featured in the New York Times. Her list of credits is too long to list. Enjoy the interview. Not many people are familiar with the phrase Host Parasite Marketing.
Naturally you know how a Parasite operates in nature. Here is the definition of Host Parasite Marketing . . . A person or organization that feeds off the host(s), and gets its business at the expense of its host(s). Yep, just like a parasite in nature. During a recent live webinar a few of the attendees started putting their contact information in the chat asking people to contact them for business. This routinely happens during LIVE in person events too. Almost always there is someone working the room looking for business with little to zero interest in the topic of the seminar their just there to eat off the host. Obviously, all of this is at the expense of the host. Not Cool! In some cases, the parasite means no harm they are just doing what they know to do. But in other cases, the Parasite knows EXACTLY what they are doing and is just out for themselves and could care less. I once saw a “Parasite” complain when someone was doing exactly what they do all the time. I called him out on it and said you do this all the time. His response was well this is different. I ask why. Silence! Obviously, it was different because it was HIS business. There are lots of challenges with being a Parasite, the biggest being you will only go so far and once you are found out people don’t want to deal with you and even worse they spread the word to other people and your job gets harder. When you learn how to market yourself you can create opportunity on demand and generate as much business as you can handle. You can comfortably spend tons of money because you KNOW its coming back to you in droves. That my friend is called return on investment. Rant Over! Have an Amazing Day and thank you for attending another episode of Eric’s Escapades. Be Amazing! Sincerely, Eric “Just Sharing The Truth” Anderson P.S. There are plenty of networking events that are set up to meet people exchange contact info and generate business the is no need to feed off of someone else. P.P.S. There is also a strategy called Profit Partnerships where you get permission from the host. Matter of fact the host will HAPPILY PROMOTE you to their audience. Everybody Wins! In the last few days people have reached out to me asking is there money to be made speaking at youth events or do you have to do it for free.
This quick will reveal the answer while explaining a key concept. Here it goes, I was in California for an event and the day before my flight headed back to Atlanta, I met up with a friend I had not seen in years. She invited some friends to her house for a cookout. Naturally the conversation turns to what do you do. When one of the ladies found out I was a speaker she got all excited and said when are you leaving because we have $3500 in our budget that we MUST get rid of in the next couple of days or we get less money in our budget next year. Can you come out and speak to our school in the next couple of days? I changed my flight and did the gig two days later. End of story! YES, you can get paid to speak at youth events. Sidebar – organizations needing to spend budgets or they lose the money is VERY COMMON and if you are able to help them it’s a win-win for you and the organization. I have the pleasure of speaking to corporate audiences and youth groups and everything in-between. Because of the variety of audiences, I have worked with over the years I had to create a booking / marketing process that works for all price points and every type of group. During my upcoming 2-day LIVE conference Speaking For Newbies I will do a DEEP dive into the process and how you can use what I share to get paid to speak. Go to the link below and check out all the details and find out how you can get a scholarship to attend. Speaking For Newbies 2 Day LIVE Conference Click the link above and have an Amazing Day and thank you for attending another episode of Eric’s Escapades. Be Amazing! Sincerely, Eric “Kids Are Great Audiences Too” Anderson P.S. Oh I almost for got to mention one of the questions was about price and how much money can you get for speaking to youth. This is not the answer people want to hear but it’s the truth. It depends. Some groups have more some have less. The question is how do you present your talk in a way they want to book you and you get everything you can out of the opportunity. Click Here Now because during Speaking For Newbies LIVE I will pull back the curtain and reveal the truth about how to get paid to speak even if nobody has ever heard of you and you have never been paid to speak. Get Ready! Obviously with inflation the price of EVERYTHING has gone up. Here’s my question to you. Have your prices gone up yet? If not, you can raise your fees with little to zero resistance because people get it.
I have a friend that operates a kid’s ridable train in a mall and I noticed he raised the train rides by 20%. Matter of fact I saw a woman who must have been a regular customer take the money to hand it to the train conductor and she goes back to her husband who had her purse to get another dollar. The husband asked what happened? She simply got another dollar and said “inflation.” You DON’T need a reason to raise your prices but if wanted a reason you have one now. Go up a bit and I’m sure you will be just fine. Thank you for attending another episode of Eric’s Escapades. Have an Amazing Day! Sincerely, Eric “Everything’s Up“ Anderson P.S. Just a heads-up Saturday June 18, 2022 I’m doing a four hour workshop on how to use speaking to build your business. It will be hosted by Club Entrepreneur Atlanta. I’ll provide more details soon just wanted to let you know to put this on your radar. |